Premium Filterless Newsletter with Shiloh Taylor

Hot Topics for week ending May 31st, 2024

Hot Topics

The issues and news too hot for the mainstream

For Educational and Entertainment Purposes Only

Just a friendly reminder that the 2 politicult parties run the primaries with taxpayer dollars. This Uni-war party monopoly must be trust busted.  Taxpayer funded and politically run is a bad combo, just as separation of Church and State is important, separation of political party activities and administrative government must be separate.  Our elections must not be run by a political party, and we must demand a 50-state uniform system that is run on the blockchain or other un-hackable types of digital records.  The voting process for elections must not be run by a political party.  Again, these are public elections that we pay for.  The parties get to then politicize and muck up the system intermingling the political with the official.

It’s almost like magic, if you meet their fundraising quota, party activity quotas, faithfully parrot their messaging and do what you’re voluntold to, then you’re in like Gen Flynn. Straight from the swamp to party pet with the wave of a pac.  

Federal ethics rules mandate campaign and official duties are distinctly separate, why are the 2 parties allowed to run an official election?

This is the law and is required to be posted at polling locations,

“It’s the Law! Please Read…It is a violation of Tennessee Code Annotated, section 2-7-115(b)and is punishable as a crime under Tennessee Code Annotated, 2-19-102 or 2-19-107, if a person votes in a political party’s primary without being a bona fide member or affiliated with that political party, or to declare allegiance to that party without the intent to affiliate with that party. * Required to be in all polling locations as directed by T.C.A 2-7-115”

See below picture tweeted from, “Let Us Vote”. 

Your bona fide party loyalty is required to vote or its punishable as a crime.  This is the result of politicult party run elections. Careful what we incentivize. The system must be reformed, there will never be a different outcome with this incentive.



The red line has been crossed this week for many who were in support of Israel or were somehow in defense of a genocide.  At this point in Israel’s military campaign, it’s not a war, it never has been. There are not two sides with two armies. Israel bombed Rafah, a refugee camp where tent sheltered children, babies and civilians were bombed with 2000-lb bombs 60 times was deemed an Israeli “mistake” by Netanyahu; it’s not war, its genocide. This mistake massacred 22 people, and many were burned alive while sleeping in tents.

This massacre happened two days after the ICC’s issuance of Israeli arrest warrants, this retaliatory butchery leaves no doubt this is an ethnic cleansing and genocide. Pictures of burned tents, burned body parts, babies decapitated, parents holding half their child’s dead body after they survived the bombing and a small girl blown in half circulated on social media before becoming shadow banned or removed. Many have called this a crossing of the red line that makes this an obvious genocide and not in any way a defense of what happened on Oct 7th.

Let’s take a pause to express how gruesome these atrocities are if you are unaware of the brutality and proof of war crimes because the very awful videos and photos are always removed and not available on most social media and certainly never on mainstream. These videos and photos are deeply disturbing, and the crimes of Israel must be exposed, and they must be held accountable for their actions. The US must stop all funding of Israel immediately, all funding and arms.

After the Rafah massacre former Presidential candidate, Nikki Haley was filmed writing, “finish them” on Israeli bombs, signing her name on her complicity in genocide. ICC, submit exhibit D, for dumbass. Signed, sealed, delivered, they’re yours Nikki, displaced starved refugees in tents. babies, kids, Moms, they’re yours, Nimrod Nikki, Fuck you.  May your ICC arrest warrant arrive signed sealed and delivered immediately.

Christians you cannot hide your Islamphobia in looking the other way to genocide. I also understand this dehumanization of Muslims and the indigenous is the result of many years of propaganda that has been internalized. Now the red line has been drawn, what would Jesus do?

I see your fear in allowing any control of the biblical lands and birthplace of Jesus be left to the Muslims. You don’t want them to control the area and genocide is ok as long as you justify a false idolatry tale about a man who would condemn this behavior.  He would preach peace and help to heal the war-torn Palestinian people or allegedly that’s what he would have done.      

He would be protesting against the Palestinian genocide and in defense of targeted individuals and fight against war crimes happening currently and for the USA to make right on historical genocides of the Native Americans and the enslavements of humans historically and the slavery and trafficking being carried out today. Allegedly.

Political prison and Journalist Julian Assange was granted leave at his UK trial against extradition by the United States, for now he is saved from the assured human rights abuses if he were to be extradited and brought to the US to stand trial. This means he’s allowed to fight for his right to stay in the UK. All charges must be dropped, and he released as he did not commit a crime.  Reporting war crimes is not a crime.

The PR campaign for Israel isn’t working no matter how much AIPAC, Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld and friends, fund it. After the ICC issued warrants for Netanyahu, the Senate quaked in their kinky boots and Lindsey Graham fearfully stated, “Hopefully, together, we will find a way to rest our displeasure with the ICC because if they do this to Israel, we’re next.”

When the arrest warrant arrives for Senator Lindsey Graham will, “Lady G” be listed as an “also known as”? Will Nikki Haley’s arrest warrant arrive sealed with a kiss and will it be addressed to Nimrod?

This week, showing at the discount theater’s is, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg commemorative mockumentary propaganda piece regarding the debunked sexual assault scenes of Oct 7th titled, “Screams before Silence.” Note: Discount theater prices have gone up 50% due to inflationary greed and the market will bear it, like it or not.  These new AI technology assets are important investments to later profit from.

This shit-storm of PR propaganda we’ve seen recently is an attempt to create a “reason” Israel is justified in breaking international laws and committing war crimes. Any of the horrific acts of Oct 7th do not justify a genocidal military campaign, starvation, concentration camps and land grabs at this level of intensity and length of their supposed protective defense of themselves.

There is vast underestimation of the world’s desire to see Israel and the US leaders who fund these war crimes and are complicit are held accountable for their atrocities.  Next, are the US leaders who profit from and are complicit in war crimes at home and overseas. Holding them accountable requires that we receive information from the government about the government’s doings at our request. Enter the Federal Records Act and (FOIA) Freedom of Information Act.

The Federal Records Act requires all federal agencies maintain records that document their activities, file records for safe storage and efficient retrieval, and dispose of records according to agency schedules so they can be properly archived for public access. The Freedom of Information Act allows the people to access those records minus some exemptions. site is run by the Dept of Justice and their definition of FOIA is, “Since 1967, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has provided the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. Federal agencies are required to disclose any information requested under the FOIA unless it falls under one of nine exemptions which protect interests such as personal privacy, national security, and law enforcement.”

Lots of information is available by FOIA, but oftentimes it’s very difficult to get the information that’s not heavily redacted with big black marks throughout the majority of the documents. Or they lose the requests, or they refuse them under the 9 exemptions and fight in whatever way to not disclose as they are required to. There are stories published this week from a twitter file journalist who’s having issues with FOIA requests being unlawfully denied and then their names being libeled about their burdensome requests and other monkey business from the record/gatekeepers.

Foiling the FOIA    

Patrick Webb @leadingreport released breaking information with documents, he tweeted, “BREAKING – Newly released evidence reveals that NIH officials opened an encrypted Proton Mail account, misspelled key words, and forwarded confidential material to Gmail in an attempt to evade federal law and FOIA requests.”

What a great trick, they also use NGO’s and other quasi-government organizations to run some of their dirty work that’s a-FOIA-dable. Like their favored gangstalking thugs in suits, uniforms and dirty white hats.

My own experience with FOIAing my own information and documentation from Law Enforcement the FBI has been less than titillating.

After many years of being targeted and watch listed in political retaliation by the DNC, the DCCC and the Hillary Clinton campaign of 2016, I eventually put all the pieces together in my own targeting experiences about 4 years in, realizing this would not go away once they investigated me to find there was nothing to investigate further.

Oh no, that’s not how the targeting program works, it starts with an agent receiving a golden check for unlawfully placing a law-abiding citizen on a list without due process, let alone profiting from it. Agent Fluffer.

Next the FISA courts are misused and leads us to figuring this out many years in and my attempting to FOIA my personal information from the FBI, CIA, DOJ and other executive branch depts who run this Stasi program.

I wrote to the FBI requesting my information with a letter that was penned by an attorney to ensure the proper records were pulled and in the proper format.  I gave them all my information including my previous married name and other identifying information. I took a screen shot before I hit enter and saved a copy of the pdf copy of the request.

I received a response fairly quickly, the letter stated there was no record of a MISTER. Shiloh Taylor and the case was closed now. Fuck you. Sincerely, FBI. Tongue Emoji.

Good work fellas, touché.

I realized I likely needed an attorney to get my actual records and began contacting a few.  Guess I better call Saul next time.

TI’s issues with FOIA’s and anyone fighting government corruption at any level should expect A-FOIA-dance at every level of government, especially small one-horse town localities. The degrees to Kevin Bacon are far too close for comfort.   

The intelligence agencies and the executive branch don’t just redact FOIA requests from the public, they redact important information from Congressional requests also. From an article by the ACLU 2015 “The national debate in the 1970s about the proper limits of U.S. government spying on its own citizens was, to a large extent, about the CIA. In the wake of the Watergate scandal and news stories about other illegal CIA activity, President Gerald Ford and Congress launched investigations into the full range of CIA misdeeds — from domestic spying programs and infiltration of leftist organizations to experimentation on non-consenting human subjects and attempts to assassinate foreign leaders.

ACLU, 2015

Although the CIA’s legal authority to spy on Americans was very narrow, these investigative committees — chaired by Sen. Frank Church, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, and Rep. Otis Pike — discovered that the CIA had engaged in a massive domestic spying project, “Operation CHAOS,” which targeted anti-war activists and political dissenters. The committee reports also revealed that, for more than 20 years, the CIA had indiscriminately intercepted and opened hundreds of thousands of Americans’ letters. In addition to documenting the intelligence agencies’ extensive violations of the law, the Church Committee concluded that the constitutional system of checks and balances has not adequately controlled intelligence activities. The Church Committee’s conclusion — at core, an admonition — still resonates today. While the documents that the CIA has released are heavily redacted, raising more questions than they answer, they strongly suggest that the agency’s domestic activities are extensive.”

We must band together and demand a new Joint Select Committee, aka a new Church Committee for unconstitutional and human rights violating programs and war crimes executed by the executive branch, namely the intelligence agencies and military who’ve committed these crimes against targeted individuals at home and around the globe. No more war crimes on our dime means all of them, especially top-secret unconsented experiments, cruel and unusual punishments without due process, torturous experiments, war mongering and profiteering among the many crimes being perpetuated by taxpayer dollars.

Hot Topics for SCOTUS this week

Justice Sonia Sotomayor \”There are days that I\’ve come to my office after an announcement of a case and closed my door and cried,\”

\”There have been those days. And there are likely to be more.\” Foreshadowing for what’s to come from this packed allegedly criminal impeachable court.

From last week, – a ruling was handed down in the landmark case Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP. This case’s ruling will have a significant impact on redistricting and will give the parties a hall pass to gerrymander it up. This has a massive impact on voters and party gerrymandering ease.  In typical politicult party fashion, the Republican party in South Carolina redrew their 1st district to give a significant advantage to a Republican candidate. A suit was filed in district court that challenged the new map arguing it violated the 14th Amendment’s, Equal Protection Clause and was an unconstitutional racial gerrymander. SC District court ruled it was in fact a racial gerrymander.

Thursday’s ruling by SCOTUS overturns this decision and sets the legal precedent on future challenges to gerrymandered maps and has a significant negative impact on our voting power. This gives the parties permission to gerrymander by race. The core issue is the correlation between party affiliation and race and how that should play into redistricting. This is a bigly win for the Republican party and a huge a huge loss for the people.

Fuck you Alito.

Politicult Propaganda is turned up to HIGH- Tons of party propaganda floating around about ALL issues, you cannot miss it. Learn it, know it, see it, reject it.

DO NOT COMPLY – TN has brazenly and tyrannically enforcing an election law that criminally charges voters for not voting how the political parties want in the primary.  Next, like magic, poof! – there’s an election tax and a purity test where you will be required to bend over so the parties can judge you by the size of your puppet hole.

This is not a drill. This is so clearly unconstitutional; guess we are stuck seeing what the appointed black robes will do. The people must use jury nullification in this case and with these types of laws.

After Crypto Don launched his successful and quickly sold out NFT trading card promotion, the trump campaign announced they will be accepting crypto for campaign contributions. Let’s go Brandon! Will dark Brandon’s staff whip out their favorite way to money launder in response? Yoohoo where’s a Bankman when you need him?

“Lazer eyes the op.”

“HODL that district!”,

“To the moon vote for a goon”

and “May the 4th be with you” are the new campaign slogans of 2024.

Richard Dreyfus allegedly pissed everyone off at a screening of Jaws starring himself, by discussing or joking about some hot topics, the article in, “The Hollywood Reporter,” retorted. A hundred offended attendees walked out after he supposedly made offensive remarks about trans kids along with misogynistic remarks.  They didn’t include what the remarks were, so it leaves us to assume he made comments in protection of children regarding the controversial irreversible harmful gender affirming puberty blockers.  Speak out against the medical industrial complex and you will pay the consequences! – See Covid-19 policies and mandates for more info

Continue with #blockparty2024 and continue to block out of touch celebrities. Then celebrate those who have the audience and influence to speak out and use their platforms to stop a genocide or speak out about corruption especially in the military industrial’s propaganda partner, Hollywood Industry, Inc.

Note: Thank you to first and certainly not least, Roger Waters for first speaking out about the Palestinians long ago and for his continued efforts to shed light on the atrocities of Israel. Remove JK Rolling from your cancel list, her speaking out for female rights first shows the vitriol and hate campaigns that are waged by these special interests. Go against the medical industrial complex and you will pay the consequences. See covid-19 vax policies and mandates again.

JK Rolling has announced her part in an essay contribution to a 30-woman compilation titled, “The Women Who Wouldn’t Wheesht” published today. Pick up a copy and unblock an activist doing good work.

Women who swing their big prick ex husband money should be removed from the block list as well. Remove Mackenzie Boo of course and then remove Melinda Gates who’s donated 1 BILLION dollars to help restore women’s rights in the United States.

Speaking of ex-husband big prick energy: Jeff Bezos’s grandfather was one of the founders of DARPA. Lawrence Preston Gise headed the Atomic Energy Agency in NM and was later assigned the deputy director position over the national labs and associated agencies, he oversaw Sandia Labs, Los Alamos Labs and Livermore Lab after working as a founding official on DARPA. 

Bezos. Boooooo!

Boo, FTC’s after yoooouuuuuu.

The FTC has filed suit against Amazon Inc for engaging in exclusionary conduct that prevents current competitors from growing and new from emerging. According to their own site,, Lina Kahn of the FTC stated, Amazon, “used a set of punitive and coercive tactics to unlawfully maintain its monopolies” in two markets. Shoppers on amazon and amazon’s services purchased by sellers, such as product fulfillment and offering of “prime”. These fees on sellers combined can be close to 50% of revenues that are paid to Amazon. Increased prices to sellers increases prices to shoppers.

Amazon is further accused of using an inorganic algorithm which degrades customer experience. Replaces search results with paid ads and deliberately increases junk ads to worsen search results and harms both shoppers and ad purchasers.

I have long maintained Bezos was part of the WEF agenda forcing covid lockdowns globally. I personally have only used Amazon maybe twice before 2020 for hard-to-find items that I couldn’t find elsewhere. Due to my natural skepticism of tech bros and their platforms, I went kicking and screaming into using Amazon and still only use it for things I cannot find locally.

I recently did a test to see if I could stay in and have everything delivered, yes, it’s easily possible, especially since fresh groceries are now offered on Amazon for same day delivery.

A solution after this FTC suit is to force them into Utility status.  There are many people who’ve become dependent on Amazon’s next day delivery for medical items and those with mobility issues who are unable to shop in stores or shop with other online platforms.

The tech bros were lonely competing with the government for blacklist power and didn’t like they only had the power to financially abuse their workers, price gouge their customers, steal their data, isolate, and censor people on social media, bury you as a seller, control your bathroom breaks as an employee and keep tabs on your body’s data with employee surveillance tech. So, they went on tinder to find a bona fide blue card carrying down low bromance with the deep security state, a bottom. They now walk hand in hand to blacklist and destroy workers, small sellers, all competition and TI’s lives.

Financial institutions are weaponized and credit reporting agencies make more mistakes than they do report correct info. Being a TI, I found that my credit report was not only reporting incorrect information, but it had also been intentionally changed to show my name as a Muslim man’s name, (not my ex-husbands name) they removed my actual work experience at the US House of Representatives and replaced it with work experience as a waitress at Denny’s. Which is true, but I was 20 years old, and it was 30 years ago; well past the time this information is legally allowed to be on one’s credit report.

Data and public record manipulation as a weapon. Another favorite tactic to harm TI’s and other watch listed without due process. Many are watch listed as a victim of domestic violence and retaliation and most without actual criminal activity or watchable activity. Incel erections get a deep state pass into abusive behavior, and they’re incentivized for it.

We the people can check and balance the credit reporting agencies.    Pull your credit report for all 3 reporting agencies. Then send a certified dispute letter with a copy of your ID to all 3 agencies. In the letter dispute every single negative item on the report.  Do this for each agency’s report, line item by line item. Deny you were late, deny the account is yours, etc., especially if they have sold the debt to someone else. Even if the information is true, deny them all.

The bureau’s have 30 days to verify the debt. If they cannot verify the debt, they must remove it.  After 30 days, pull your credit reports again.  Most agencies do send a letter in response and document what they have verified on your dispute letter. Verify they have removed the items they were unable to verify and updated their mistakes. This has raised my personal credit report by 100 points by doing this. Fight fire with fire. #Fuckyou

Biden admin has been making good in their campaign promise of cancelling student loan debt for certain borrowers. They successfully managed to bi-pass congress by cancelling the debt and not paying it off, which would require the power of the purse.

Look at this move as the Biden Admin filing bankruptcy on behalf of student’s who got bamboozled.  Essentially, they are issuing a 1099-C cancellation of debt to banks. Who cares? Banks are first in line to bail outs and overnight loans from the Federal Reserve.  Second the motion, who really cares? Don’t feel sorry for the banks because you paid off your loans or didn’t take any out.

After 7 rounds of voting, the Libertarian Party has chosen Chase Oliver as their Presidential nominee.  Oliver is described as, “a critical spoiler candidate” by the 2-party rag, The Hill,\” “for his candidacy in the 2022 Georgia Senate race that led to the election of Senator Raphael Warnock (D).”  Party poppers were pissed that he and independent voters forced a runoff and all with him aligning himself with the traditional wing of the Libertarian Party.

Party poopers cheer! Oliver is actually a 38-year-old, self-described, “gay and armed” candidate who’s already finished a 50-state campaign to introduce himself and express his focus on younger generations and traditional libertarian views such as cutting budgets and anti- war policies. He stated in his acceptance speech at the convention to, “End the genocide” against the Palestinians.

We look forward to hearing the ideas and solutions from younger, more in touch with reality candidates who are looking past the boomers with a vision for our collective future and to candidates not bought and paid for by AIPAC.

RFK Jr’s campaign is suing Facebook for their censorship and violation of 1st amendment rights, in an email to supporters they explained,

“A PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.\’s presidential campaign released a 30-minute biographical film about the life of RFK Jr., his environmental activism, and why he\’s running for President. “Who Is Bobby Kennedy?”, narrated by actor Woody Harrelson, has already garnered tens of millions of views across multiple platforms. However, we were quickly flooded with reports of supporters attempting to share the video on Facebook and Instagram, only to find those posts censored!”

Many solutions lie in collective actions that either fights fire with fire or uses the strength of the system against itself.  For example, in the electoral college, small states have lots of political power and very few people they represent. Their weakness is, there is not that many of them to outvote.

Law School people flex – for those of us beauty school dropouts who chose not to go back to the university after seeing the revenue building curriculum and nepotistic barf that was costing us far too much. Even after boomers made taco bell a college educated entry point jobby-job.  Here in CA, you can enter law school with 60 credits instead of the normal requirement of a completed bachelor’s degree from an accredited college and then stringent and exclusive entry into law school.  Make like the smart part of Kim Kardashian’s ass and get a JD, but only after you call Saul.

There are law schools online and in person that will allow you to enter with a couple years of college and exit with a JD that will allow you to take the bar within CA after completing this degree.  Skip you BS degrees, JD me.

Once you have passed the bar in CA or other states that allow this type of degree and bar testing entry, you can take the bar in other states that have the Universal Bar test. Boom, get tf out of Cali, you don’t have to come back. Don’t let the small population state gate hit you in the ass.

No, we don’t necessarily need more attorney’s barred into this world to feed off corporate interests and special interest money. We need attorneys to help the people. Far too many TIs or those who are financially and legally abused, that are blacklisted from getting proper legal assistance in all the court systems, including, family court, domestic violence cases, civil litigation abuse, harassment, slumlord abuse and other types of non-criminal cases.

High income people and attorney’s can also be targeted by too powerful corporations. Such as in the case of Amy Nelson, who you can find on tik tok for her full story, her husband was accused of a crime by Amazon which he did not commit. The accusation was given to the DOJ and without investigation the DOJ took up the case based on big billionaires bullying.  The government then froze all the couple’s bank accounts and assets and financially abused them during the 4-year trial. They eventually proved their case, and he was acquitted.  Amazon has not been held accountable for their false accusation and their motive being it was a less expensive way to get out of a contract than breach of.  

“Jury Nullification,” is another important tool that we the people can use against the tyranny of these laws being passed that are clear violations of our rights. In short, anyone penalized for these ridiculous special interest human and constitutional right violating laws should request a jury by your peers trial, not a trial decided by a judge.  Serve on juries when called.  If there is a person being charged with a crime or would receive civil penalties for these ridiculous laws, do not convict.  Vote to Acquit and all you need is ONE person to do this, and the jury will be HUNG. Reminder of the ultimate hung jury was the OJ Simpson trial.

Also, a unanimous jury is a testament to those who feel J6 was too harsh of punishments for those paytroits who took a nice peaceful shit on Pelosi’s desk during their respectful protests inside the capital and that these good ol’ boys weren’t meaning any harm.  They did get a jury from their peers and unfortunately the jury agreed. Incel Erection or insurrection? The jury decided and it was unanimously decided the incel erection was, “not hung.” In not hung jury news, trump was convicted on 34 charges yesterday

.  Cheers or jeers? What would stormy do?

More pigs and pork fat in the news    

Over the pond pigs behave like a hive mind police state- pigs in pants everywhere getting their training from the IDF

“A MailOnline investigation found more than 70 rogue officers have been granted anonymity since 2023 despite committing gross misconduct, including paedophiles and domestic abusers. Research by MailOnline identified at least 71 police officers found to have committed gross misconduct who have been granted full anonymity in hearings since last January, including those who have committed serious sex offences. This includes a Met Police officer, known only as Officer A, who admitted to sexually assaulting an eight-year-old girl before joining the force.” “Cofounder of Reclaim These Streets Jamie Klingler told MailOnline the findings showed that misconduct processes \’are designed to protect officers and not the public\’.”

Who’s copying who papi uk?

Take a look into the deep dive being done by Shannon @sch305 on Twitter/X looking at John and Reve Walsh’s past, Adam’s disappearance and how they stole their daughter Meghan Walsh’s children.

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