Hot Topics – Issues and news too hot for the mainstream
Premium Filterless Newsletter by Shiloh Taylor Hot Topics for months of July, August, September and week of Oct 31th, 2024
Hot Topics – Issues and news too hot for the mainstream
Hottest issue at Hot Topics Newsletter is that myself, Hot Topics and Remote Workers Association – has been under a terrorist hack attack for several months, since our last episode in mid-June. The terrorists responsible did not like being called out for their crimes against humanity, or for their prostitution of themselves so they sent out their flying monkeys and failed assassins in retaliation. The light began to be shown on their secrets and some of the inter-connected house of turds was partially revealed, see Hot Topics live call on June 28th, 2024 within Remote Workers Association podcast library for details and names that are not in this newsletter.
What they have done to me and, no doubt to others, is criminal, unethical, immoral and is generally intolerable behavior. These group thinkers act together as teams of cowards, too afraid to come out from behind their own shadows, so they throw stones and hide their hands. These certified maniacal psychopaths are desperate to conceal their own behavior and depravities including felonious eavesdropping, invasion of privacy, criminal hacking, felony stalking, and shall I go on?
Merely glorified cheap-peeping-Tom’s, these blackhole-souls parasite off other’s energy, franticly sucking the life and light out of others and profiting from the pilfering and slave wages. Yet always managing to gain religious and capitalistic brownie points, according to their own rules. They are the true vampires, not the Halloween version or the centuries old lore that follows vampire stories.
All the evil these groups do is with an unwavering sense of entitlement, believing somehow, their prey, the true victims, somehow deserved the wrongdoing. They feel authorized to control others, how they feel, what they believe and how they live. Many of them hide behind their own sick behaviors and sins using religion, cults and other barf to back them up and to victimize others.
As if, a couple thousand-year-old social rules, fables and passed down stories should be the modern-day law we are all forced to abide by. These regurged dark age fantasy stories make cults believe they are a supreme chosen people with unhinged excuses for that entitlement. With a self-proclaimed declaration of superiority and membership to said group, they take it upon themselves to decide who they are authorized to control, what resources can be stolen from them and why they’re authorized to take it. Then they write it into law.
It’s no wonder why shame and guilt over their own sleazebaggery is projected onto others and the hatred felt deep within their heart, must for sure be the victim’s fault. How dare you, not hate yourself, as much as they hate themselves. It’s a fact birds of a feather flock together, so you will catch them all cowering together sharing a dark shadow within their secret societies and cults. There’s never a secret society or cult that doesn’t have illicit secrets, that’s precisely why it’s secret and precisely why it’s always a circle jerk of idiots fighting over their own shadows and victimizing others in their wake.
These RICO suaves will inevitably be exposed and many are starting to reap what they have sown already. Expect effect. Blackmail only really works long-term on those who commit atrocities. The group-shaming smears abusers shower their victims with, eventually wears off and the light is always shown on their dark deeds, done dirt cheap. Eventually victims speak out about the atrocities and abuse they endured. Exposure is especially significant when abusers and cultists are serial pieces of shit and have many victims.
It has indeed been a pie eating year.
It is no coincidence that after nine years of unlawful surveillance, I have come under heavy attack now that I began speaking out again about party and the government’s own freak-off parties and began connecting the dots on this house of turds. I started to create a diagram of how these seemingly unrelated people and companies are connected and how they tie into the targeting program, fully preparing to make a full disclosure to the FBI and to the public. Then the terrorist hack attack began.
After almost a decade of this bullshit, fuck you, every single one of you.
Nine long years of my human and constitutional rights being destroyed for speaking the truth, is appalling. This is my own personal timeline; many others have been bullied and retaliated against for much longer. This inhumane retaliatory targeting program paid for by tax dollars MUST end now, for all placed on this blacklist unlawfully and without due process.
Many of these cunts are connected joyfully to the war contractors and terrorist states directly involved with the genocide of the Palestinians and the rest of the wag the dog wars the US starts and funds. Many are Uni-war party profiteers and government contractors of some sort, so they do not share the same team publicly. Yet they share in the same genocidal “party in the USA”. The biggest example of different team, same party, is the new cackling Dem nominee hooking up with all the neo-cons first and then becoming public besties with Liz Cheney. Different team, same party-The Uni-war Party.
This year I began telling my story how the Democratic Party Leadership targeted me for political retaliation and began to show evidence of their use of official government resources to commit these crimes. They start by unlawfully and unconstitutionally placing undeserving civilians on a military terrorist watchlist (TSDB) as an “individual terrorist.” I am not a terrorist, very obviously. I have zero connections to terrorism and neither do the overwhelming majority of those listed. Tulsi Gabbard is a good example of a political retaliation nomination, she’s also a perfect example of team grifting while still being a paid puppet for the Uni-war party on a different team. Surely, they are counting our “ties to terrorism” as being connected to themselves, the party people terrorist wolves, crying wolf.
Woof-Woof. Everyone’s a Lobo, no?
Labeling undeserving domestic citizens as an “individual terrorist” allows party leadership of either party that owns the executive office to bi-pass the “foreign” designation that is the entire purpose of FISA, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978. They are placing undeserving people, unconstitutionally, without due process, on a secret terrorist blacklist – FISA is specifically for the protection of the United States from dangerous FOREIGN terrorists, not domestic anything and certainly not domestic citizens exercising their rights to freedom of speech, protest and assembly or journalism.
Journalism and freedom of speech are not terrorism whether its done foreign or domestically and now, as a result, private war/security contractor companies aka the Uni-war party, are PROFITING from the unlawful nominations of political opponents and journalists. Both teams are using this retaliatory blacklist where the military industrial complex is King, and the blacklist is used conspiratorially with big tech and other corporate special interests. This is the exact definition of fascism. Do not forget, both current party nominees for election 2024 are war criminals and both of their teams have and continue to fully weaponize official government resources for political retaliation.
Even more disturbing, it’s paid for with taxpayer dollars. Then its contracted out to private war and security companies, who are granted endless budgets for their dirty deeds. Yes, the Dems did it to me, but the trump regime continued it after 2017 when another loser won the election using the Electoral College cheat. This orange anti-hero, captain diaper pants, used every resource possible to exploit the weaponization of government against political enemies. Including using former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo to criminally plan the assassination of Julian Assange, for the non-crime of journalism and mostly for Wiki-leaks exposing their war crimes and treason.
After lose-winning the 2016 electoral college anointment, trump then immediately expanded the censorship industrial complex already in place from the Democrats, using big tech to silence anyone with any criticisms about himself in true narc style. He immediately used his executive office power to expand his team’s tyrannical powers, and he grew the blacklist and surveillance state exponentially. Both teams of war criminals have made campaign promises to expand the military, medical and censorship industrial complex and both have threatened the other team with retaliation; openly, and with large crowds cheering them on.
I first spoke out about political party corruption within the Dem Party during the Bernie Sanders campaign of 2016 where I was an elected national delegate. They kicked my delegacy for being an undecided delegate and wouldn’t allow me to represent at the Convention, citing their own hand-made rules as to the reason they could just kick elected delegates from the convention. I then made a loud exit from the party exposing their vast blatant corruption. That year, I had quit working as a Congressional Staffer at the US House of Representatives, working out of the district for a Representative for close to a decade. This former Congressional Rep, former left-hand man of Nancy Pelosi and former DCCC Chairman, is now a sitting Senator.
I began to really piss off the DCCC flying monkeys for my former boss along with the DNC Dem Leadership by refusing to tow the line after Hillary was anointed at the Convention. I continued to speak out about their corruption, even after multiple threats to my life and livelihood had been lobbed at me. I began explaining in detail to those not, “in the know” about how the party drawn up taxpayer funded pre-primary and primary “election” system worked.
I explained what they did with the straw-poll at the state pre-primary, done caucus style in a secret morning meeting held without notice and earlier than most delegates were expecting, so most didn’t show up to the straw poll vote. Which of course went to Hill-camp for the strawman win. This count was used to determine the winner going into the primary and giving Hillary ballot priority, instead of the state delegate vote count as was the norm. The super-delegates already planned to over-ride any Bernie Sanders win in the actual primary using the Electoral College, yet they chose to double-down on the cheats instead.
I also continued to speak out about the pilfering of donations from the state party that was siphoned from state and local candidates directly up to Hillary so she could lose the presidential campaign but make sure to re-coup all her loans she unethically gave far too early before the convention. Many state races were lost in multiple states due to her corruption, unethical loans and narcissistic ways. I was persona non-grata by this point, and they continued the threats to my life during this time and some of these threats even came from those I had once considered friends.
RIP Seth Rich and the rest of the staffers and victims of random party planned suicides and unsolved murders.
After his death, I knew the threats were not just to scare me into compliance. Yes indeed, I could end up on the Mesa with the other dead bodies and burned-out cars. Just as indicated by former friends and colleagues who were part of the covert and overt harassment, felony stalking, smear campaign and the first-time terrorist hack attack that occurred when my targeting first began.
“A tornado of FIRE will rain down on YOU!”
“We will drag your body out on the mesa with an ATV for a Halloween party” Insert photo of something similar.
“We’ll burn your house down.” Insert a paid arsonist setting fire to houses in my neighborhood with a propane torch.
I still wouldn’t stfu even after their threats and harassment. So, they threatened me with the Military Industrial Complex and had me placed on the TSDB as retaliation for telling the truth about their schemes and lies. I was warned that (Sharon) Sputz’s “doc” martin clad army was coming after me and I was their “guinea pig” now.
I found that Sharon Sputz is a data manipulator from Columbia University with ties to war contractors including, BAE, British Aeronautical and Engineering and Palantir, she is an expert in counter-terrorism data and has pulled a patent for internal wi-fi equipment for the WBAN chips (wifi body area network), which are human tracking devices that many targets have had placed inside their bodies unconsented. These chips are scannable with MRIs, and other medical equipment. Their existence is proven, and these hardware inserts do not stem from mental illness; some people have had them removed. Like all digital equipment they have a MAC ID and emit signals that have been documented by medical doctors and scientists. There are current pending lawsuits regarding these devices, and this is not a conspiracy theory as the war machine would like you to believe.
During this same period of time, I was told by an insider who worked at the state party office that the remaining Bernie supporters who didn’t tow the party line, were being called, “terrorist cells” by Dem Leadership and they were being treated accordingly. I was also told that Hil-bag spent the entire campaign going through all the DNC emails looking for which democrats were for her, and which were against her, taking names and getting her suicider-rope ready for post-convention retribution.
She conveniently forgets the Constitutional punishment for treason is not about who’s against HER specifically and that the weaponizing of government resources against domestic citizens for political retaliation along with using her authority as a former First Lady and a former Secretary of State is treasonous. A little reminder to the flying monkey assassins and sell-outs who help her in these undertakings, YOU are complicit in treason too.
“Get a rope!”
I knew they were talking about me with the “terrorist cell” label as it was specifically told to me in a threatening way. Before this threat but after the convention, I had been asked to throw my hat in the ring for the state level campaign manager position for the Gary Johnson Presidential campaign. He was the Libertarian Presidential nominee that year and the former Governor of the State.
These positions are not listed in the classifieds, one must be asked to apply. I was offered the hat and ring by another party insider who explained to me that, if I was willing to do this and even if I didn’t get the position; it would piss off the Dem Leadership for years. I was warned further it wouldn’t just be for this campaign year; it would follow me “for years.” I didn’t understand the full capacity of what was meant until years later when the harassment, felony stalking along with the rest of their crimes, did not, and has not stopped.
I competed for the position against a Libertarian Attorney who was the son of the Land Commissioner and against a Republican State Senator. I did not get the contract, and it was awarded to the State Senator. Not unexpected, I had after all, batted for the other team for far too many years previous to this.
When I was still working for the US House of Representatives, I became friends with an engineer who held a top-secret clearance and worked for the (DOD), Dept of Defense. He worked for a war contractor as an engineer designing “laser guns.” His words, not mine. After a joke that my government job resembled, the TV show, “Parks and Rec.” I asked, “what do you, do-do at the DOD?” The gest response was, “If I tell you, I’ll have to kill you.” He then went further to explain, that he was unable to say exactly what they did because it was top secret but gave me some “unclassified information” regarding a weapon they had created that he was able to talk about.
The company he worked for had created a laser gun that had the ability to test one’s BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) from a distance in a similar manner as a speed radar gun used currently by law enforcement. He explained that the BAC laser gun was so clearly unconstitutional, they were unable to sell it to anyone in government or law enforcement. As a budgetary follow the money person, it’s easy to find these types of laser guns were and are still heavily funded by the military industrial budget. This junk is paid for with taxpayer dollars through a private company and without a doubt taxpayers funded this un-sellable dud of a gun and hid it in the black budget.
This junk dud gun magically showed up years later deep-stated within the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 disguised as a “kill-switch” on all cars built in the future. Supposedly this technology is designed to stop drunk drivers. How does this technology test one’s BAC to know if a person is legally drunk? And why is one of the co-sponsors of this bill enacting this un-sellable unconstitutional technology while back-room connected to the original war contractor company that engineered this dud-gun in the first place?
Kick-back inflation Senators!
Drunk driving is a problem that needs a solution; however, this laser gun kill switch is very clearly unlawful and violates illegal search and seizure protections granted by the Constitution and the act has nothing to do with combatting inflation.
There is also another type of weapon the government spends billions of dollars on yearly, called, DEW’s (Directed Energy Weapons) which are a variety of silent slow-kill energy weapons such as Voice of God weapon (V2K), which uses microwaves to bounce sound and voices to the human brain, so people will hear a voice in their head and think it’s, “God.” The voices can sound like one’s own inner dialogue and can also be used for a type of mind control where repetition of the same script over and over is used on targets, misusing how the brain works against them. They used these weapons in the Iraq war to get the enemy soldiers to surrender. It worked because they did think it was the voice of God telling them to surrender and they acted accordingly.
This weapon and its use were leaked within classified documents entailing the war crimes the US commits daily and was published by Wiki-leaks. This microwave sound phenomena have been tested and proven in many other scientific settings and is somewhat of an older weapon at this point. A lie repeated over and over becomes a fact in one’s mind or in this case it’s used to control behavior and moods using scripts that are repeated over and over in the same fashion that name recognition in politics and memorization in learning is done.
This weapon is suspected of being used on the US Diplomats from Cuba, former trump staffers and FBI agents who suffer from Havana Syndrome, now called an AHI, an anomalous health incident. The Diplomat’s stories were featured on a “60 Minutes” special earlier this year. Many targeted individuals suffer from these injuries as well and the US intelligence agencies, and the US military are suspected of being the perpetrator of these injuries. A foreign adversary is not suspected according to the government’s own investigations into the matter.
Big tech has gotten in on the golden check targeting program by stealing, gathering and selling our data directly from our devices. These surveillance tools, clipping tools and other data stealing tools are being built into the anti-trustable tech bro’s devices, social media platforms and apps that we use daily. We are not able to stop the syncing of our data and passwords, to their meaty fists and we are not able to un-consent to much of these data theft tools if we want any type of phone service. Not to mention the complete monopoly on phone devices, there are only two types of phones that are available, iPhone and Android. Then phone device companies have colluded with companies like Google, a “do-evil company” and convicted monopolist which is currently being investigated and punished by the FTC for violations of anti-trust laws.
Example: iPhone settings allow the gathering of all data on your device, for their use and profitability and is most recently being used to feed AI. This is a default and must be un-consented to, on each app. Understand they are using ALL your data including private text conversations, your downloads folder, all your photos and videos and any data on the device that have nothing to with the original app that’s stealing your data.
Big tech has also made it very easy for hackers to access all your data by hacking the apps instead of the operating system. When the apps and devices all help each other to access and steal your data, it’s become the devil’s playground for hacker cunts and cults to easily track, stalk and harass their victims. Their favorite racket is called, “Google Gangstalking” and it’s used by many cults and phony Targeted Individual “help or justice” organizations that trick targets into believing they are there to help. When in fact they are there to prey on targets and profit from them.
Tech bros have colluded together with intelligence agencies and designed their apps and platforms to easily facilitate a mind control technique that allows subliminal messaging and paid propagandists who work in teams, to covertly harass, create synthetic synchronicity and to ultimately lower the self-esteem, aspirations, frequencies and energy levels of targets. They subliminally traumatize with the purpose of making targets believe there is something wrong with them for suppression, depression and behavior modification purposes.
They use curated content specifically made for each target using surveillance of their live data, search engine use, device use and responses to perpetuate trauma. They start with a profile created for each individual using all the meta data and data points gathered for the past 20 years and psychologically manipulate using game theory. This “game” plays off old trauma and fears they have gathered from the digital history of your life to perpetuate the fight, flight or fawn responses built into our brains and bodies.
All of this profiling started as a way to determine “pre-crime” behavior. The profiling was designed to avoid actual crime, so stupidly these war profiteers employ actual crime tactics to stop “pre-crime” by using actual criminals and unlawful techniques to employ the thought police imported straight from 1984. Stay tuned for your hour of hate, brought to you by Carl’s Jr, a war inc. food manufacturing company re-branded.
The targeting program uses DEWs, big tech monopolies, media monopolies, paid sell-outs propagandists and security state stalkers who are mostly employed by government contractors. Some of these sell-outs are celebrities, pentagon-wood movie producers, influencers, media figures and content creators, who shall remain un-named because they only profit when they are mentioned for being at a party hosted by Diddy at Barbara Streisand’s house.
They also have employed Stasi techniques to get your neighbors, friends and family involved in receiving the golden checks. Targets are surveilled 24/7/365, using close contacts, contractors, law enforcement or members of, a RICO suave, semi-quasi government membership program for business owners, doctors and lawyers employed to do the weaponized government’s dirty deeds.
All the while these pigs capitalize off invasion of privacy, harassment and felony stalking. Take note of a certain peacock self-proclaimed billionaire landlord who is a part of this criminal ring. Many corporate and mom-and-pop landlords are also part of the surveillance scheme as well providing wired up homes or floor plans and other pertinent info about targets for sneak and peak warrantless entry of your home when you’re away. Taxpayers are stuck with the bill, paying for limitless budgets, wasted away waging a war on false claims of terrorism. Golden checks and gift cards also line the pockets of cunts who simply sell out their friends or family for a few bucks and a “feel good” fantasy of being the good guy fighting the baddies.
There are many new weapons being used and developed by the military and they are using our stolen data with the help of big tech and AI. Yes, AI is a novel new technology for basic citizens. The military and namely Palantir have already been using and perfecting our “newest” technology for 20 years.
Palantir was recently just awarded another multi-million-dollar terminator AI military contract to continue their criminality. Palantir snips all your data from the tech companies its owners are board members of, then combines all the info with the data the government already gathers and houses about you, in Utah. Then they create profiles and connections of one’s entire life, taking all your digital information and assessing it for “pre-crime” behavior. Then they are paid to surveille everyone while looking for any thoughts or journalism that maybe they can twist around into a problem they can cash in on.
Lavender AI is an example of this type of terminator assassination weapons that use our social media data to decide whether one should die for their pre-crime social media posts or one’s private conversations your devices are listening to and recording. If you’re not familiar with Lavender AI, it is being used to target and commit genocide on Palestinians civilians right now. There is a reason why we have due process protections, nobody in their right mind thinks AI is a good judge, jury and executioner especially when one hasn’t had an opportunity to defend oneself. Especially when it’s not actual crimes with actions, it’s a computer program written by megalomania billionaires inserted with their opinions on what is “pre-crime” thinking and what is not.
DEWs, (Directed energy weapons) were originally funded for the purpose of suppressing protestors and activists. Not unsurprisingly after I was threatened by my former bosses flying monkeys and party people, one of the other sitting US Senators for my State, funded millions in emergency funds to the DOD for directed energy weapons they needed for control of “personnel.” Wonder which personnel they were looking to control and why at that exact time did he sponsor that particular bill, to receive that type of emergency funding? Coincidence? Not a chance.
All of these bought and paid for dud guns and nobody to test them on without consent, except DOMESTIC protestors, dissidents and free speakers whose rights have been flushed away by an unlawful secret terrorist label, placed without due process.
Congress continues to spend billions each year on directed energy weapons and almost a trillion a year to the military industrial war profiteers. At the hands of the trump regime, the TSDB was financially incentivized to give “golden checks” to law enforcement who unlawfully nominate in political retaliation, thus skewing and fluffing the terrorist crime data and exponentially increasing the number on the blacklist during his regime. This of course helps to increase their budgets due to the massive domestic, “terrorism problem.”
Feed the fucking fake fear for funds.
Understand these are not actual enemies of the State, they are your neighbors, friends and family who are simply exercising their rights in being politically outspoken against whoever’s team owns the executive office at the time. Do not think your team or your anti-hero is innocent of this war crime and treason.
Again, ye who owns the Executive Office, owns the weaponization of it. Chuck the yuck of Democratic Senate Leadership has threatened trump and others openly with retaliation from the intelligence agencies and the targeting program. Trump also has openly bullied twitter users with the deep state threatening that he and his team would, “make you kill yourself.” He also has targeted his staff, including the Chief of Staff for the NSA who he deemed not loyal enough to him. Trump is not your hero, nor is he innocent of treason and war crimes. This is not just the democrats. They all bat for the same Party while playing a 2-party team game with all the political sports fans out there.
After much research, I’ve found that if something is deemed a “conspiracy theory” it almost always guarantees most of the theory is true. The CIA and paid propagandists purposely spin ridiculous additions to the truthful parts, adding an unbelievable cherry on top that’s so outrageous, nobody believes the facts of the 90% that is accurate. Prime example of ridiculous claims is the “elites are eating babies,” perpetuated by a drunken Roseanne on a podcast or others who claim there is evidence but can’t ever produce it. Joe Biden doesn’t help by biting babies and sniffing the heads of kids. The 10% ridiculous makes a mockery of the facts and negates the whole thing, throwing the baby out with the pasta water.
Another example of the military industrial grade conspiracy reality that’s propagandized into a “conspiracy theory” is Israel’s actual impact on Congress, the war machine, the media and banking. It is fact that Israel is a foreign state and AIPAC is their lobby/PAC that they use along with countless other Israeli funded outfits to control Congress, the media and the banks and are the perpetrators and initiators of war in the Middle East. They act as the United States colony using holocaust guilt and other manipulative tactics to ethnically cleanse the people for a land grab they originally began to take from the Palestinian indigenous people in 1948. #neveragain
When the truth leads back directly to Israel’s crimes and especially the war crimes, they’ve been committing for 80 years along with the more recent testing of fancy new war weapons on Palestinian civilians and children who they unlawfully deem as terrorists. They play victim and cry “blood libel,” then label you as an antisemite to cover their tracks with a smear. The truth has become antisemitic, and World War III has become, “greater Israel” or bust.
Weaponizing antisemitism is a favorite Dem and Uni-war party political strategy. A campaign manager I was friends with was threatened that if he didn’t tow the line on the State Sec of State’s race, they would smear him as “antisemitic.” This was 10-ish years ago, before this label became so obsolete they had to write it into law to try and negate our freedom of speech rights. The terrorist state of Israel is desperate to legislate zero criticisms of or boycotts of itself by US citizens and they use PAC’s (political action committees) lobbyists, a media monopoly and Hollywood propagandists to facilitate their evil plans.
They are especially desperate to stop anyone in Congress from using the power of the purse to cut their funds off from committing more war crimes. See Rep Thomas Massie’s comments about all elected officials having AIPAC babysitters telling them what they can and cannot legislate. This terrorist State has bought Congress using the Citizen’s United ruling passed down from the Supreme Court in 2010 allowing them to be easily bribed and completely removing any power the people had with voting before this ruling.
This strategy is going on right now as they simultaneously genocide the Palestinians citizens, mostly children with almost 75% of their war crimes being funded by US taxpayer dollars. Meanwhile, the US refuses to spend money on infrastructure at home or benefits for citizens of the US. If we remove the war contractor profits from our GDP, we long ago slipped into a greater than great depression. This combined with the loss of the Petro-dollar and it has become the fuel the war profiteers are using to wage proxy wars against all BRICS countries using their blue star colony in the middle east along with Ukraine to spark WWIII.
It’s also no coincidence the Dems have hooked up with the biggest war profiteering neo-cons of our lifetimes, the Cheney’s and Bushes. The Uni-war party oligarchs for team orange are Musk, Theil and Bezos, who easily grift between teams because they profit and win no matter which puppet “wins” this “election.” Enter the jumping south African government war contractor welfare queen hopping around when trump-camp chumps say jump.
Jump! For my love! Or jump for some million-dollar swing state bribe winners or jump for a cup of billionaire concubine cum, coming to a baby mama or surrogate near you.
I am not alone in this retaliatory targeting and many on this list are victims of domestic violence who are placed on the list by their abusers. Not in political retaliation but placed on the list as a perfect domestic violence attack against an ex-partner or an estranged family member, done with ease by the law enforcement connected. It’s rumored it’s as low as $2000 to have someone listed. Groups such as then profit from harassment, felony stalking and domestic violence abuse, using the system to abuse targeted victims further by violating their human rights. This cash cow blacklist reportedly tops 6 million individuals, globally.
The reason for the specific verbiage and label of “individual terrorist” has to do with FISA, the foreign intelligence surveillance act of 1978 along with an assessment report from DHS put out in 2009 titled, “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Refueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.”
This report spells out in pre-crime terms, who is expected to become “individual domestic terrorists” including Vets returning home from our endless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The war dept then goes further in this report, binding the terrorist label to right wing issues. The report forecasts there would be huge increases in racism, stemming from the one-year-old election of Obama, a black man, to the Presidency.
Subsequently, the Uni-war party increased the use of identity politics in propaganda and intensified the attacks of systemic racism from the military and police against black people to pin this on regular citizens, as if we all were a part of kneeling on a man’s neck for 9 minutes over a false allegation of using a fake twenty-dollar bill at a convenience store. Racism is not basic citizens calling each other racist names, cultural appropriation and DEI. It is weaponization of law using the existing system that is the true and systemic racism. Supremacy and racism does exist but stems from the reign of the blue star colony of Zionists who believe they are the chosen race who were gifted the world’s assets by God. What racism truly is; is the system’s treatment of people of color and not neighbor vs neighbor. RIP Breonna Taylor, Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Sonya Massey and the many others that have been murdered by systemic racism in cop on black violence.
Do you see where the propaganda machine, endless budgets for military and security along with financially incentivized unlawful nominations to a domestic terrorist watchlist has taken us 20 years later after 9-11? Many former left-wing/Democratic Party platformed issues are now labeled with the “right-wing” terrorism label. Even historically liberal issues have been deemed right wing now, such as being anti-war and pro freedom of speech.
The TSDB list now mostly consists of middle-aged women who someone, some-group, or those with law enforcement ties, big tech ties, or pentagon-wood ties, didn’t like, and is rarely about actual terrorism. “If it ain’t one thing, its ya Motha!”
FBI whistleblowers testified this year in Congressional hearings about the dirty tactics of political targeting and weaponization of official US government resources for political retaliation. Far too many have testified to Congress about the scandal, to then find themselves and their family targeted and subsequently destroyed. Again proving, ye who’s party owns the executive office, owns the weaponization of.
With a combination of FISA and the PATRIOT ACT, along with a couple executive orders later and the executive branch is fully primed to sick the privatized trillion-dollar military industrial complex on its own citizens. This taxpayer funded treasonous trafficking program is designed for war and security contractors to profit off the false nominations to a secret list designed to remove all human and constitutional rights, without due process. These acts and executive orders have allowed the military and medical industrial complexes into our back doors, without warrant and in violation of the entire Bill of Rights.
The Uni-war party is cashing in big by creating a false border crisis to scare a certain team into believing we’re being invaded by military age men who are storming the US border to rape and pillage the children and VOTE for Democrats. Team Orange’s cognitive dissonance ignores the fact that many of their big tech bro cult leaders and war contractors are immigrants. Musk, Theil and Sacks are all immigrants and Elon crossed he Canadian border, as an illegal alien. It’s lost on me and most people how anyone would ever want to hand the financial keys to the US government to immigrant war contractors who are barred from becoming President by Constitutional rules and couldn’t buy the position if they wanted to. So, they proxy-buy the election appointing JD Vance for Veep, thus allowing Theil and Musk to control the reigns of the US with their purchasing power to privatize the government further and further lining their pockets. Especially if Musk is appointed as a trump chump within a 2nd trump regime.
Speaking of the illegal alien welfare queen, here’s a diddy about Jack and Elon, only one American kid growing up in the homeland.
When I was in my early 20’s, and still lived in Chey-Wy where I grew up, I met two South African guys and a Canadian who were working as ranch hands illegally in the area. This was my first time meeting anyone from South Africa and I enjoyed the sound of their accent while we drank the night away at the Cowboy South Bar and later went to a friend’s place for an after party. Two of the guys were related as cousins and the other was just a friend. Although I don’t remember their names, I do remember one of the South African guys had an unusual Hebrew name.
Their vehicle was an Astro Van and upon following them with the other car, me and weird name guy laughed for far too long about how the car looked from the rear. He stated, “I didn’t know we looked like that from behind.” We arrived at the after party and sat around the living room drinking and chatting about the differences in the US, Canada and South Africa. I asked them about Apartheid in South Africa and how they felt about it. The South African guys spoke at length about their feelings about the issue.
Both South Africans felt it was not a huge issue to be separated by race and skin color, and said, “it’s ok, black people are not intelligent and they are similar to animals. They are only good for working in the fields or manual labor.” I was shocked and disturbed at the level of deep seeded racism that was ingrained in them growing up white, in an Apartheid country. I had not been around this level of racism, because the town I lived in had an Airforce base and was close to Denver, it wasn’t a completely white community. If people felt that way about race, they definitely kept it to themselves and the worst I had experienced was bad jokes or a few snide comments. I had black friends and was uncomfortable with their answers.
We continued to speak about other subjects, the dark haired South African talked about soul mates and meeting the right person saying, “every pot has its lid.” I then asked the weird named South African who looked like a young Elon Musk pre-hair plug, what did they expect people from the US to look like and was it what they expected. He answered by saying, “You. I expected them to look like you.” Speaking to me. I am blonde and blue eyed, so I didn’t think twice about the answer coming from apartheid defender, the night faded away into dawn and we didn’t cross paths with the guys again. At least for many years, that is.
Cut to the year 2016 again. A year or so earlier the State had opened 12 new medical cannabis licenses in the medical marijuana program. I had long been an advocate and connoisseur of cannabis, so I opened a non-profit company, built a team and board of directors and made the decision to apply for one of the twelve licenses. It’s a small world and the licenses were highly competitive. I knew many of the other applicants personally and hob-nobbed with them in a brand-new women’s group called Women Grow.
I was not new to women’s groups, and I had been a part of other groups designed for women to help other women in business and politics. I am a graduate of the Emerge program, another women’s group which teaches women how to run for office and win. The co-founder of my State’s Emerge program was married to the owner of a medical cannabis company that was awarded one of the original medical marijuana licenses 15ish years ago.
In a typical man-ner the women’s grow group became overrun with mostly men and the group seemed to cater more to men and trans people than women. After a few meetings the group became very male centered and clearly wasn’t about women helping women. #boyMom #menarewomen
My emerge sister’s husband who was a dispensary owner started attending the “women’s” meetings and he began to project his unhealthy competitive nature onto me by making complaints to the Founders of Women Grow along with the Chapter leader in my State and generally created an uncomfortable environment when he or his staff members attended the meetings. Misogyny comes in many forms but always rides in on a dick as a female partner, man in a dress or an over competitive male ego.
I was not deterred by his bullshit and continued to put together my application and network with the other cannabis industry people. I was also good friends with his operations manager and had insider info on the guy and the general staff opinion about him was, he was an asshole. So I decided it was best to stay away from him and anyone associated with him so it wouldn’t create any cross-contamination issues with my Emerge group sisters because one of them happened to be married to an asshole. The new licenses took a very long time to finally be awarded and their final decision on the licenses fell around the time the 2016 Hillary Camp was just starting.
The licenses were not awarded by merit as they were intended to be when the process was drawn up. My application did not get awarded a license and because it was a somewhat small community of people applying, it was obvious some were given politically. The sitting Republican Governors husband was sneakily awarded a license, a “say NO to drugs” mullet donning rap performing former Sheriff, was awarded a license, along with other pay to play applicants and few republican campaign contributors who were promised licenses at the Governors Christmas Party the previous year. Lots of coke and “Pit-za” were had at that party-see the public record call from the Governor herself to law enforcement.
The retaliatory targeting eventually took it toll and I fled the state in fear for my and my children’s life and decide to make a new start in Oregon, one of the first recreationally legal state and where there was not a limit on cannabis licenses. If you followed their rules and raised the money, you would get a license without the harmful competition.
This is where I met the leaders of another women’s group, Tokeativity. I immediately immersed myself in the cannabis community there and had become friends the year before with a woman from Portland who I had met at a Women Grow national event. I moved to Oregon and immediately trump lost-won the election. He then immediately went after cannabis with his little dog, Jeff Sessions and I lot the funding promise I had been given by investors who were not willing to fight the Federal government with recreational weed, they felt more protected by the medical program and I was left trying to raise funds in a state that was oversaturated and very hostile to anyone not “local.”
After networking at an industry event, I met the future founders of Tokeativity who I spoke with at length about where I had come from and in a strange coincidence, they were planning to travel to my former home in a few weeks to participate in a filming of, “The Marijuana Show.” They asked me to provide them with any connections I had to the cannabis industry so they could spread the love in the cannabis community when they were out there. I gave them a couple names within the cannabis industry and gave them the info of one of my business partners so they could reach out and spread the love to other women. These cunts were only pumping me for information because they were a part of the smear campaign and truly were out to spread the hate, not the love.
I paid for a few tickets for my business partners to attend the filming of, “The Marijuana Show” and they attended and networked with other cannabis industry folks from other states during the show. Very late that night and early in the morning my business partner received a call at 3am from a “private number.” She had kids in their late teens and early 20’s so she answered the phone, thinking it was an emergency. It was not an emergency. It was these cunts participating in an unlawful defamation campaign against me. I did not realize it was them at this time because they used a man to make the call and the political flying monkeys were still heavy into their own retaliatory defamation games.
A man’s voice told my business partner and friend that, “They better rethink any partnerships and their friendship with Shiloh Taylor.” They went on to smear my name, saying I was a horrible person, and she should stay away from me. Note: I knew this partner for 20 years and she knew the truth about me, who I was and any actions I had taken politically or within the cannabis industry. She knew there was political beef with the Democrats, where I had worked, and the criminally competitive actions other applicants had participated in selling their soul for a medical cannabis provider license. She immediately called me to tell me what had happened with this late-night defamation campaign call.
Unbeknownst to me, this “women helping women” group ramped up their criminal behavior, hacked into my devices and life and broke any new connections or businesses opportunities during my two years in Portland. I lost real tangible opportunities, and my life and family were destroyed. I was asked to move out of my home for a no-fault reason being that the landlord wanted to move back into his house.
This was devastating and completely wreaked havoc on my family and the entirety of my life. All the business destruction was done by design from an obsessed dark tri-ad groups who are directly connected to the original political enemies and competitive licensing in my home state. None of what they did was lawful, and it took me a while to connect the dots back to the women’s groups I was involved with.
I was forced to leave Oregon and decided to try my luck in California where I had met some other industry people and friends of friends who were making their way in the newly budding California recreational market. I moved to Los Angeles and started to immerse myself in the cannabis industry here. I was still in touch with the evil cunt and her group of lesbian crafters. I wasn’t aware of what they were doing at the time, so I reached out to them for a Chapter Lead contractor position with Tokeativity here in LA. I rocked that shit and put on a few awesome cannabis events for their company here in Los Angeles before the city and the country was locked down for the Covid hoax.
During the lockdowns, I was employed by a cannabis company as a financial controller. I then lost my job due to the boss forcing covid shots and requiring that I force those below me in the org chart to take as well to remain employed. My refusal and firm, “NOPE” on the forced shot started the issues between myself and my canna-boss. I then uncovered nefarious financial behavior from the C-suite owners and discovered their collusion, price fixing, lab results fraud, book cooking and involvement with a growers’ alliance formed by the legacy growers and legacy medical licensee holders here in CA.
During this time, the women helping women cunts continued their smear campaign of lies about me, contacted a cannabis attorney to up the ante and expand the network of cannabis industry people they could destroy my business opportunities and reputation with. Due to me being the LA Chapter Leader, I had connected this group with my employer by this time and they both came after me with the rest of the industry players who believed their lies. Details about this were included in my last episode of Hot Topics, the cease-and-desist issue from June.
Even with the monopolization of state cannabis markets marketed as “legalization,”, this new budding industry still has both knees firmly planted in the grey market and still very much employs the same RICO tactics as all “secret societies” do. (Their words, not mine)
After all the damage to my name and me uncovering the price fixing going on in the secret society, “the blacklist xyz” that the legacy industry people were participating in, a car accident hit was put out on my name and an assassin was hired to harm or murder me, all under the guise of an “accident.” The driver of the car is related to and connected to a cannabis business out of NV who then is directly related and connected to another cannabis business here in LA that we did business with at my former employer. All the dots connect back to my former employer, the blacklist secret society and this criminal RICO women helping women group.
Going full circle, everyone is connected, and these legacy growers and D-level TV stars, celebrity relatives and political adversaries are connected to Chuck the yuck from New York Senate Dem Leadership who is now my former bosses boss. High Chuck! Eye see you. Eye know all about your connections and the connections to some of the celebrity cannabis TV stars, you the reader probably don’t know them, they are “nobody’s.”
Eye also know all about your connections to the Dem mole who ran for Mayor of NYC, who has moved “forward” with a new team that’s still very much connected to the Uni-war Party. Eye also know about the connections to a disgraced media pundit and his brother, born with a mob silver spoon shoved firmly up their asses and the other political non-profits you’re CON-nected to. Yep, eye see you all and I know what you’ve done last summer and the summer before and the summer before and the summer before.
These terrorists hack attacked me attempting to destroy all my work, all my projects and connections, sabotaged me by deleting emails before I saw them, deleted my personal photos and data, stole my identity through hacking, cloned my phone, then tried to destroy my reputation, my existing digital credibility. These RICO groups used their connections to change my credit report information, not with bad credit but they changed my name, where I had worked previously and generally made a mess of my credit report so the data would never match my application for credit. It cost me the opportunity to buy into an Art Gallery a few years ago and could have cost me the ability to get housing.
The group was successful in making me homeless, with two crooked landlords that lured me in to their homes. With the help of covid lockdowns they unlawfully harassed me with litigation, so I was forced to settle and move under strict anti-eviction legislations that were in place during covid. I was able to fix the bad credit report data before the state of homelessness with unmatching bad credit, would have been an issue.
Don’t let them lie to you that the homeless crisis in the US is all because people, “don’t want to work”, or that homeless people are just drug addicts, “smoking dope 24/7”, this crisis is manufactured and fixable and has nothing to do with drugs or laziness. We are in the greater than great depression and its 100% attributable to the military industrial complex’ siphoning all their budgets from the middle class and social security, lazy predatory price fixing landlords, Airbnb culture and quite literally, no jobs that are not paid at slave wages. It’s been 16 years since minimum wage has been increased, yes, it’s still at $7.25 per hour, which can’t even buy you an e-coli infested orange make-up smeared happy meal for that. Trade 2 hours of your time or more for an e-coli burger and a side of additive-addicting fries. Those fries are damn good though, aren’t they? (cough, cough)
This hack and continuous surveillance of all my devices and my life, has been going on for far too long. It’s time to shine the light on these RICO secret societies, cults and politicult parties exposing their dark webs, house of turds, covert crime, and the connections between all these groups that seemingly appear to be unrelated. They are not unrelated, and they are all complicit in treason.
The political is personal. This originally started when I became targeted for political retaliation in 2016 by the DNC, the DCCC and the Hillary Clinton campaign. The former secretary of state herself spent her entire campaign flying over all the red states while she sat around combing through the DNC emails to find her next staffer prey and she then went on to use any digital data she could get her pizza-stained hands on. I was also told by the same insider that the DNC had “bought all the mainstream media spots, along with data from Google, Facebook and all the tech platforms.”
Current Secretary of Interior, Deb Haaland was heading the state DNC at the time, my former boss and now Senator was Chairman of the DCCC, at the time. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was heading the DNC and she was then outed for her and Hillary’s plan to unethically “clinch” the democratic presidential nomination from a much more popular Bernie Sanders. I thought I had gotten rid of the parasites but looking back through the evidence, they never lost their connection to my devices and life.
In the most recent terrorist hack attack, they heinously came after my minor child, obviously for nefarious reasons. She also has been hack attacked and is still a victim of unlawful eavesdropping and hacking, harassment and stalking. My former boss does not run his social media accounts, they are manned by a staffer who is also an Emerge sister of mine. Early in the year around the Super Bowl time period; I posted some things calling him out for his treasonous actions and back-door connections to a war contractor.
There was also some interaction between his account, my account and a current House of Reps member regarding this connection. Shortly after this interaction his social media account made a covert threat about teenage girl suicides and then immediately after they attacked my youngest daughter. I will not be speaking out publicly about the diabolical things they have subjected her to this year until she is comfortable speaking out about it.
I knew they had fully hacked all my digital accounts for at least a year due the specific gaslighting they do with covert digital harassment. I got enough of their bs and started to call around to get a forensic analysis done of my devices and accounts. The tech company owner gave me a tip and some practical advice on a forensic analysis, which then allowed me to discover how they were hacking into mine and my minor child’s devices. They start by easily getting into google accounts which are not secure and then use using googles connected apps and browsers to syncs all the passwords. They then got into her apps and accounts by cloning my phone which housed a log in of her email account.
I started to make a connect the dots diagram for the FBI and began to prepare to make a report, that’s when they attacked hard using professional hackers and a non-profit that specializes in digital rights and lobby that is connected heavily to the Dem Party. It took many months to deal with this terrorist hack attack and included getting all new devices and changing phone numbers, AGAIN. This attack was intended to destroy all my data, my creditability and all the evidence I have gathered over the years regarding their sick criminal schemes. They also used their big tech mutual connections that I had contacted regarding Remote Workers Association funding of the social media platform and app back in 2022. This attack involved more than one seemingly unrelated groups. They are not unrelated and some now intended to take down Remote Workers Association as a new beef and joyfully joined in for unhealthy competitive business reasons and were not a part of the original retaliation stemming from 2016.
This terrorist attack was waged for more than one reason but these cultists attacks always all come down to 3 things, religion/cults, politics or corporate greed.
All three of these types of groups were involved with trying to silence me, Hot Topics and Remote Workers Association, they even put up another site with a similar name as mine trying to trick people into clicking their site so they can put a permanent tracking cookie on your device. Don’t be fooled, RWA is for collective actions, not for a single worker even if that’s how it started out.
They know who they are, what they have done, for how many years this has been going on and soon everyone else will too.
The truth is excruciatingly painful for those who received a standard issue rotten to the core soul, from their local broker buddy, Dante. Hard truth is too hot for the mainstream and too hot for those who “sell-out” as their regular taxable income, along with basic brokers, traffickers, slave masters and concubine owning CEOs who’s uniform of choice is a tiny hat and a sperm donor cup.
“Who the hell does this bitch think she is to call out their sick games of profiteering off modernized slavery and endless wars?”
Nobody is hated more than a truth teller who doesn’t give a shit if anyone likes them or not.
The content below was originally paywalled.
Even after Hot Topics was silenced for several months, the hottest topic is still the systematic genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians by Israel. With more than a hundred journalists killed around the world recently and many journalists arrested in the UK under the terrorist act for simply bringing the world the truth on Palestine. Israel continues it reign of terror against Journalists shining the light on their atrocities, within the past month they captured and held, Journalist Jeremy Loffredo of the Greyzone, blindfolding him and taking him to a secret prison where he was detained and finally released a couple days after.
They killed Journalist, Hassan Hamad in early October in an attack on his home in Jabalia camp and their death toll of journalists, tops over 175 killed. Killing journalists is a war crime. Adding to their thousands of war crimes by continuing the active genocide of over 41K civilians so far.
Their war crimes are covered by blackmailed social media platform owners, media monopolies, Hollywood celebs and film-makers blackmailed or bribed into silence and now labeling the war crime evidence as “pornography” so it does not show on anyone’s timeline anymore
Since Israel launched their latest genocidal attack one year ago, starting in Oct of 2023. They have now been successful in squashing the videos and information coming out of their continued slaughter and destruction of Gaza and now have attacked Lebanon. They bombed another hospital, this time in neighboring Lebanon lying about terrorist tunnels under the building. They tried to stop journalist from having access to the bombed-out site and were unsuccessful in keeping them away like they have been in Gaza. Their systematic killing journalists, in an attempt to hide their war crimes, their suppression of evidence using a media monopoly blackout their cries of victimhood, their slander of any critics of their genocide as antisemitic, their lies about self-defense and labeling the truth as a blood libel conspiracy theory, days are over.
Megalomanic social media owners and their WEFhole CEO’s who help hiding the war crimes by banning and shadow banning anyone who speaks out about the Palestinians and squashing reports coming out of Gaza. They have completely scrubbed the “free speech platform” of Israel’s war crimes and they have begun taking down Journalist’s accounts of those who speak out about trump.
In continued acts of election interference, Musk took down Independent Journalist, formerly of the Intercept, Ken Klippenstein’s account. They suspended him permanently for publishing a dossier regarding JD Vance, that is a 271-page research paper stemming from the trump campaigns vetting of Vance for the VP running mate nomination. The report was described as coming from a Hack from the Iranian government’s attempted election interference, so says US intelligence agencies. According to Klippenstein, it was not offered to him by an Iranian source and appears to be a well written document that entails a complete assessment that is based on truthful information about Vance.
Musk restored the account after pressure from friends and other journalists and reportedly agreed to restore it even though he thought, Klippenstein was, “a horrible person.” Klippenstein has been trolling the megalomaniac since his account was restored and has continued his independent journalism on Substack where the dossier is still published.
International courts, the UN and the entire globe is over the fact that Israel continues the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to no avail. The US is being pressured to enact an arms embargo and to cut off all funding of Israel and sale of arms to them. Many other countries have divested from the terrorist state and Spain has most recently stopped selling weapons to them. The UN is being pressured to remove Israel from the UN completely. 150 blackmailed Congressional Reps penned a letter threatening to cut funds to the UN if they crackdown on the war criminal terrorist state.
It’s becoming very clear to the entire world that Israel is leading the world around by the nose with lies, using holocaust shame and guilt as the forever victims, while they massacre kids, target civilians, bomb hospitals and massacre relief workers and medical staff. This never had anything to do with Oct 7th, the attack was allowed to happen, it was then highly propagandized immediately with AI derived videos and lies about rapes and babies being microwaved.
They are hiding the true reason they are clearing Gaza of all life, it is so they can build a new canal to compete with the Suez, to give the self-proclaimed chosen one’s ocean front properties in the immediate future. But with the ultimate goal being the creation of a “greater Israel” by invading all the countries around them to eventually take over the middle east.
What’s really going on is the United States is creating proxy wars to spark the flames for a WWIII. All this because the US empire is falling, the result of a country whose only economy is war and destruction. Only a few benefit from the rebuilding which is contracted out to neo-con owned companies like Halliburton for war profiteering or given to Israeli owned private equity banking companies to rebuild the stolen land and pillage their resources. All we got is the military industrial complex, petroleum and the petro-dollar and pedo-blackmail money.
The world got enough of the US’s war mongering and war profiteering, including many countries who joined NATO for a false promise of security who realize they are now bound to the wars we create for the profit of a few. If you can’t see the US is starting proxy wars using their blue star neo-Nazi colony over the loss of the petro-dollar against all BRICS countries by using proxy wars, you’re not paying attention. Kiss the wall and cry about it, gois!
The latest MIC whistle blower was Army Major Harrison Mann, a 13-year veteran who resigned over Israel’s genocide and war crimes and the US’s support of the continued ethnic cleansing, stating, “Don’t know how you kill 35K civilians by accident.” It is suspected the 35K civilian death count that’s been used for at least 6 months, is much higher than is being reported and weeks later its being reported as 41,000 civilian deaths of mostly children.
In a newly scrubbed video, a Palestinian family was filmed leaving their home in Nur Shamas refugee/concentration camp in the West Bank holding a white t-shirt flag and leaving their home with arms up in surrender position. Israel arrested the family, a mother, a father and 2 kids appearing to be under the age of 10.
In an interview, Dr. Mark Perlmutter an American orthopedic surgeon from NC and VP of International College of surgeons, volunteered in Gaza at the end of April and May of this year has never seen the level of carnage in his 30-year career in 40 disaster locations, that he saw waged against civilians in just his first week in Gaza, mostly children. He has never seen such carnage and states, “Almost exclusively children. I’ve never seen that before. I’ve seen more shredded children in just the first week.” There were “Missing body parts, the greatest majority are bomb explosions.” “We’ve taken shrapnel as big as my thumb out of 8-year-olds and then there’s sniper bullets. I have children that were shot twice. Definitely children are being shot by snipers. Two children that were shot directly in the heart and directly on the side of the head. No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by the worlds best sniper. Dead center shots.” More than 20 doctors told of gunshot wounds to children to Sunday Morning News, where they were interviewed.
This October, the IDF fired repeated shots and attacked another UN vehicle from the World Food Programme, claiming it was a “communication error” while they continue to target aid workers, UN vehicles and unarmed Palestinian children and civilians every single day.
Mehdi Hassan described it perfectly, “Israel is ashamed of nothing and offended by everything. Why can’t we criticize a political ideology that’s 150 years old, that many Jewish people have criticized? We need to be able to talk about what Zionism does to the Palestinian’s without being smeared as antisemitic.”
70 Palestinian filmmakers signed a letter accusing Hollywood of dehumanizing Palestinians on screen, over decades contributing to the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Many signers have contributed to the current Oscar summitted compilation of shorts, “From Ground Zero.”
In case you missed it, Hollywood continues to show the world who they are, ahem Selma Blair and they fired off a response letter last month to Bisan getting nominated for an Emmy for bringing the world, on the ground journalism from refugee camps and bombed sites. Her opening greeting being, “Hi, I’m Bisan from Palestine and I’m alive” is too much for these victims of the painful truth.
This DARVO victim letter cried big crock-o-dile tears claiming that Bisan shouldn’t be eligible for an Emmy because she is a Palestinian terrorist and somehow comfortable Zionist Jews from around the world’s feelings got hurt that their beloved “Jewish State” is being called out rightfully as an illegal occupier, war criminal and genocider committing war crimes while using holocaust guilt to lead the world around by its nose with blackmail and then forcing US tax payers to pay for their dirty deeds. Never again means never again for anyone.
Hot Topics for SCOTUS this week
In mid-August, the Supreme Court decided on Department of Education v. Louisiana voting upheld the lower court’s decision not to redefine the Title IX and the Dept of Education’s new rule definition that would add gender identity to the list of what is considered sex discrimination. Undermining the right to female only spaces and participation in sports. The emergency application for a partial stay was denied. “Smackdown in a 5/4 ruling and hard-earned FEMALE sports rights remain uncircumcised.”
Politicult Propaganda – Learn it, know it, see it, reject it
Because Hot Topics was under a terrorist hack attack, many of our stories that we were writing about months ago are now yesterday’s news and some of this issue is now an, “in case you missed it” issue.
It’s a wrap on the on the Paris 2024 Olympics. With Australia trolling the breakdancing competition we almost thought it truly was a case of “white men can’t dance” and turned out to be a much bigger scandal. Her performance was so bad it appeared to be satire and gave SNL material for years. Ray Gunn wormed her way into the competition coming in last place and poisoned everyone’s outlook on higher education expertise, almost as much as the Olympic provided food or a swim in the Saines river poisoned other Olympic competitors. We will muscle memory this.
What we learned is that a cheating tenured professor educated their way into the competition with corruptive ways and means. She squashed all real and truly talented athlete dance competitors to certify herself as the “best” of the best. A lesson as old as time proving once again that we can’t count on the Universities to send the actual best of the best. Nepo babies and those who can’t, “teach,” and that now gives us DOT EDU for the Gold! Good thing she has a BS degree saying she’s an expert at breakdancing, now that makes it a fact that she’s the pre-certified best dancer on the cardboard cut-out stage.
This Halloween season, the Ray Gunn costume was found on store shelves calling the costume, a “higher education expert”
In Olympic boxing, we also learned that testosterone is in fact a performance enhancing drug. Higher ed cheered when the games ended up transitioning to a math discussion to solve for “y” where the answer quickly becomes 2 balls +2 balls = 5 women. It’s all fun and games until someone loses a guy.
Special shout out and thank you to Horse Force One for making sure it was a Snoop Dog and pony show. Speaking of dog and pony shows, the Democratic National Convention wrapped up after dropping Biden and nominated the Kackler, Kamala Harris without her actually winning a single delegate in the so called, election.
Full pride and joy have been on display through the entire campaign, as the nominee continues to endorse Israel’s genocide stating, “I will ensure America always has the strongest and most lethal fighting force in the world.” Most moral meaning, the most war crimes on our dime and the most lethal. meaning, bombing and sniping children for getting in the way of “greater Israel.” All you need is Love-Bombs!
Both camps continue to project their own actions on the other team and the Kackler accused trump of “His explicit intent to jail journalists, political opponents and anyone he sees at the enemy” Once again projecting the DNC and democratic platforms past, current and future actions.
The DNC’s convention in Chicago wrapped with mass pro-Palestinian protests and protestors arrested while Nancy Pelosi showed us who she and her colleagues were again by stating in a CNN interview, that she and her colleagues were cold blooded Reptilians that they decide who the winners of each district will be. Votes mean nothing to the DNC and they are not afraid to throw it in your face.
The UK has arrested over 4K people for thought crimes and turned have turned all dissenting opinions into hate crimes. Pedos get off with a slap on the hand and social media users are getting years in prison for posing memes on social media. In case you missed it, the UK police commissioner threated US citizens over free speech saying they would, “Come after us,” as well. Memes have been outlawed!
Anarchy in the UK! King Charles gave himself a 50% increase for nothing and papa UK continues to spiral as they show the US how proper tyranny is done.
On August 12th, Xitter hosted a space for trump in clear violation of campaign finance laws regarding “in-kind” donation and the fair market value of such a gift far exceeds the yearly amount allowed. Musk has been sued over the matter and the DOJ declined to take the case.
This space also pissed off the UAW. The disgraced billionaires both praised retaliation against workers and federal labor charges were filed by the union.
In standard crooked billionaire news, Peter Theil, Lord of the Flies appeared on Joe Rogan full PR campaign uncut to plead his case for his crimes against humanity. He denied the existence of any mind control programs like the already exposed MkUltra program, run by the government. As if we forgot he is a military contractor and founder of Palantir a mind control total information system and company handed to him from DARPA. This supremacist, monopolist, misogynist immigrant, wears no clothes. 5 eyes looking at chu, Peter eater, while you steal more of our data, violate medical privacy laws, force the vax and play German Stasi cop with your Jewish space laser buddies.
Peter Theil is gay, that’s a fact, and he once sued a media source into oblivion for speaking the truth about his preferences. It’s not defamation if it’s true, Peter, sucker. Why does real homophobia always come from those who hate themselves for it? There is zero doubt in anyone’s mind control that he sucked dick to get to where he’s at. Anti-slapp his ass into space with the rest of the space-dick riding billionaires and exchange him for the astronauts stranded at the Space Port.
Leave him there, let him gander at the Earth from a distance forevermore for his part in making an Orwellian reality for us all. He shouldn’t have taken his entire playbook from Hitler and Mao.
RFK Jr suspended his campaign and quickly endorsed Trump, jumping on the trump train. In an act of betrayal of his campaign contributors, he is clearly looking to secure an admin seat for team orange beyond the transition team and he’s recently been rumored to be a Health Secretary pick.
His running mate, Nicole Shannahan quickly endorsed Trump AND Peter Theil for President. She let us know, she feels very comfortable with an administration run by evil fuks. When you’re a mail order bride of Dr Google Frankenstein, CEO tech-bro, who’s been passed around by every Tomski, Dickburg, Harrystein and Elongate in Silicon Valley, the alimony still spends the same to buy campaigns and special political favors.
Telegram owner arrested in France for not moderating his social media platform, much to the horror of the world as we all see where freedom of speech will get you a prison or death sentence. Brazil outlawed Xitter for the same and is prepared to issue an 8k fine to those caught using Xitter with a VPN. We know Musk is safe though, he’s donning a tiny hat, kissing the wall and allowing himself to be fully blackmailed into complying.
In news straight out of the jungle, the death toll from the Listeria outbreak from processed food manufacturer, Boars Head increases to nine. Welcome to the jungle baby, we gonna fly, fly to the angels. FDA continues to green light toxic ass shit and still only employs appointed food industrial complex rejects.
In a shadow-banned Tucker Carlson podcast featuring Casey and Calley Means he blows the lid off the food industrial complex, Ick, explaining that processed food manufacturers were created by the cigarette industry. In the 1980’s, cigarette companies used their cash to buy up all the food companies creating a rise of processed food. He called it a “science experiment” and with this experiment they bought off the FDA and USDA, who immediately created the “Food Pyramid” saying carbs and sugar were good and fat from meats and dairy were bad. This drastically increased the amount of carbs that should be ingested daily.
With their newly formed processed food companies they created quick processed foods and made them more addictive using amongst other things, highly refined corn syrup fructose. This crap riggs our biology by hijacking our bodies signals that we are satiated.
After Labor Day weekend and right as school was starting for many parents of school aged children, the surgeon general issued a warning that parenthood is, “hazardous to your health,” much like smoking cigarettes or gun injuries and manufactured food.
Hacktastics took down the way back machine and it was restored a week or so later. Wow, impressive and what the fuck for?
Hackers live in their own fantasy land, they justify their harmful actions to themselves by insisting they are white hats or that these same fools are heros that will come to save us, ride in on a diddy and save us all from the bankers and the oligarchy. Unless you’re paid by a company to attempt unauthorized access to security systems as testing, you’re a piece of shit. Face it. Own it. There are never stories of cancelled debt, robin hood banking, student loans magically disappearing as promised, never that. Just threats to politicians and hopium for some stank ass-stained fantasy fairy white hat.
All of them are green hats, working hard for money taking 2 knees for the bro-job everyday. for a good old fashioned corporate espionage and sabotage campaign, to steal content or data or to digitally harass people. Losers who create smear campaigns with stolen data and then curate content and digital harassment with the live hacked stolen data and then gaslighting people as a “social experiment”.
Some are plain ol’ dunce hats, those who hack for a cheap thrill, for a cult, or some extremist terrorist political cause. You know those guys, team blue, team orange and team red. Another time to take 2 knees for the team, especially when it’s the Republican National Convention and you crash Grynder because your knees be aching for some team action.
In my recent terrorist hack attack, they changed hats and upgraded from low level dunce hats to professional, certified nutcases where Reality wasn’t a winner.
A few more days and this hell of a trump camp vs harris camp will be grinding to a close and we may see our first female President. Even though she didn’t win any delegates in the primary and was anointed as the Dem nominee, naturally she’s been accused of playing mouth service to get to the top of the food chain.
As a standard, high powered women are always accused of blowing their way to the top and now we women realize after the Diddy scandal there were a few things we were “equal” in all along. Men have long accused us of taking 2 knees for the team to get to the front of the batting lineup, when all along it was HIM that was blowing his way to top. Time to take one for the team, fellas. Bro-job now takes on a whole new meaning.
Makes you wonder, did HE suck dick to get to the top? What works for the goose also works for the gander. Take a gander at all the Hip Hop part-time gangsta goats. Does what works for the goose also work for the goats out there?
I’ve got a dolla fifty and some candy-coated chocolate in my ice chilled fist on how many goats have come out and stated, “Baaaaaack-door diddy, hell no, diddyNot.”
What about the rest of the hip hoppers? Diddy? Did he? Did He, hehehehehehe.
Did he blow a cock-caphony of rusty trombones to get to the top? Diddy, giddy-up!
What about ol’ rusty rockets, trump-et blowing Russell Re-Brand the 8th. He’s found Yezus in his latest rebranding. Diddy he suck an egg to find the Lord? All we know is he’s cocked and ready to get down on 2 knees… pray.
Swing down-low sweet chariot, coming for to carry me str8 home.
For all the, “players” whose favorite quote for total unaccountability is, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.” Take a lesson from Cody Brown of Sisterwives, TV’s favorite bigamist player of the fundie southwest. It’s great when you’re the “patriot-arch” of the family, fuking-fighting and fronting, oh its ALL fun and games until the final fuk-you finale where Codys and players go through the, “big D” making a bi-pass clear of Dallas and str8 for the big Diddy game finale, ”ball” game anyone?.
FDA still continues to greenlight toxic ass shit and still employes only food industrial complex, ICK!!
Vani Hari brought a protest to Kellogg’s battle creek manufacturing plant, demanding they remove toxic petroleum-based food dyes. These dyes are banned in many other countries including Canada and yet they continue to poison our children here in the US. The red 40 issues isn’t just political, it’s personal for me with 2 of my children sensitive to these poisons. We must remove toxic chemicals from foods that are marketed to children.
Chairman of the Oversight & Accountability shot a letter to 3 CEO’s threatening them with jail for perjury and lying under oath in contempt of Congress; Caremark, Express Scripts and Optum. In hearings held in July they testified about “steering “patients into their networks, thus taking away other pharmacies business and putting the mom and pop’s out of business. Those who accept insurance are paid less which forces them out of business.
The large national pharmacies then lied about their negotiation of pharmacy contracts in violation of anti-trust laws and in contempt of Congress. Insurance pharmacy benefits managers and their big vertically integrated networks are aka the Medical Industrial Complex are the center stage monopolies that control all layers of our healthcare here and globally.
Support small business pharmacies and check out “Forest Park Pharmacy” on social media for details about what the medical industrial is doing to their small competitors.
Google has been deemed an illegal monopoly related to it’s app store. The FTC recently laid out principles for crafting a remedy that’s effective. The best recommendation is to break up google, the same as Ma-Bell, they have been “doing evil” far too long after starting out with supposed good intentions as a corporation. Google is currently complicit with Amazon, Meta, YouTube, Android and Apple Ois for unlawful surveillance, theft of personal data and much more due to their monopolization.
They have made it far too easy for hackers and for their own data stealing companies. Tech bros love a 3rd party to cover their tracks buying other companies such as VPN’s to steal, data, content and information so Palantir, corrupt groups, rogue cops, unlawful human rights violating security companies and pos generic hackers can easily harass, terrorize, hack and attack basic citizens for no reason or for unfounded “individual terrorist” accusations to be made against people for pollical and retaliatory reasons.
The Wapo under fire for refusing to endorse Kamala, seems Bezos is preparing himself for a trump win and betting on the orange horse instead of the dark horse. He claims his reason is that people don’t trust the main stream media. No shit. In case you missed other mainstream media hit pieces put out by Bezos, in a perfect example of billionaire propaganda hit pieces, using with mainstream media. Amazon’s Bezos bought a hit piece from the Seattle times to cover some of his own dirty deeds.
The headline reads, “DOJ drops charges against 2 accused of bilking Amazon.” This article is in regard to Amy Nelson and her husband who was a real estate contractor working for Amazon. Amazon accused them of a federal crime they did not commit to cover up their own crimes and to avoid a breach of contract judgement from Nelson. With zero evidence the DOJ immediately seized their assets and freezing their personal bank accounts. They had to back track later and drop the charges when it was found that Amazon was the perpetrator, not the Nelsons. His wife Amy speaks out on social media and their story is an example of paid propaganda and harassment by litigation and weaponization of the government for political or retaliatory purposes.
Billary stumped for Harris camp in recent weeks. Bubba spoke at a rally in MI this week, bashing Muslims and defending Israels genocide of Palestinians in the area with the highest population of Muslims in the entire US. It’s almost like Harris camp wants to lose the election with her ridiculous endorsements and unpopular democrats she’s allowing to endorse and stump for her.
To double down on a loss, she also seems to be running as Harris/Cheney instead of Harris/Waltz, and continues to gather endorsements from war profiteer neo-cons, celebrities with too close for comfort ties to the Diddler and then paying the ultimate B, 10 million and the B didn’t even sing and dance. Guess Harris didn’t thank the 10-million-dollar country puppet in the right way for a marionette performance. Immunity must have been part of the agreement with a President Harris.
Killary spoke out last week, defending propaganda and hating on free speech. She warned us that they will, “lose total control” if we the people are allowed to exercise our rights.
With just a few more days before the election from hell is over, both camps went on the war path accusing each other of being trash and pretending like they didn’t say it. Trump even rented a dump-trump-truck, donned some hard-working man clothes while Biden tried to change the presidential library records to modify what he actually said.
But, that’s what they both said.
Predication on the election. Trump will “clinch” the election by losing the popular vote and loser will be appointed the winner using the electoral college as a cheat. – 3rd times a charm for the perpetual loser. See you after the election at Remote Workers Association, a platform for collective actions with a detailed plan to replace the Electoral College.
It’s long over-due to change the game.
Hot Issues for Workers
Around Labor Day, Wells Fargo employee found dead, FOUR DAYS after she passed away working hard for the money. She was found in her cubicle, at her desk. Her co-workers never once checked on her, they just gossiped behind her dead-back, complaining about the foul stench coming from her area. Toxic corporate work culture has been found to be the cause of death, but “foul-play” isn’t suspected because foul dead-body stench and rigor mortis are considered “insubordination” according to the Employee Handbook. She was given a red stapler and a toe tag indicating she must report to the basement for her next assignment. Rent is due for her final resting home and death is not an excused absence without a doctor’s note.
“Wage Labor is no different than Chattel Slavery” – Noam Chomsky
More pigs and pork fat in the news
We had a small sample pig roast calling out certain connected people, connecting the dots between them, naming names – for no particular reason, which aired on our June 28th, live call. The coals are now fully stoked. Time for another pig roast! Don’t miss our next episode where the fires are stoked for a fall Matanza and the pigs will be roasted again.