Premium Filterless Newsletter by Shiloh Taylor

For week of May 24th, 2024

Hot Topics – the issues and news too hot for the mainstream

We are in the throes of the Primary and Caucus Season and the politicult parties continue to steal the primary elections from the People. Yes, it’s both parties. Save your party rhetoric for the FISA section 702 Fest, the house is partying there.  Dems continue their brazen assault on democracy as they are openly stealing the primary from voters while we taxpayers fund them to do so. Those blackrobes they appointed are primed and ready to anoint someone into the elected position. Flashback to the year 2000, where a Florida man named Chad botched the party run elections so badly for the entire United States and team Red was thrilled to punt the ball to Daddy’s appointed court so they could anoint Baby Bush in a classically Monarchial way.

The sum of the electoral college votes = Bush squared.

Most races are controlled by the parties at the State level and positions are won in the primaries. It’s important to cut incumbents balls off before the general election.  These cheaters have made it impossible for the people to have power with our vote by allowing 2 cults to run the show.

Their rules, their win. Every. Single. Time.  There is no future for solutions that do not reform the electoral college.  Even with a solution that sounds good but doesn’t do much for the people vote are bills which would force electors to vote how their district did and not winner take all for the entire state.  A couple states already have this system implemented, but they gerrymander so bad it doesn’t matter who you vote for, and the red or blue cults still run the show at the end of the day. Winners are still party picks and the mechanics to get that person to the ballot are all at the whim of the politicult parties. Open non-partisan primaries must be part of the solution along with electoral college reform. 

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) was introduced in 2006 and as of present, DC along with 17 States have adopted it.  This agreement would award all the States delegates to the overall winner of the popular vote in all 50 and DC.  The purpose of this agreement is to ensure who receives the national popular vote in all states and DC would be elected President in cases when the majority vote would lose.  After 2 recent disasters of electoral college outcomes, Bush and Trump, most voters already see the value in changing our system to a majority vote system.  The NPVIC system currently has 209 electoral votes in the compact. 

Many legal scholars believe the compact will still require the same congressional consent requiring a Constitutional Amendment and ratification.  Which leads us back to Electoral College reform and the importance of actual reform and not party patches.  These patches still leave the politicult parties with total control and power of the people’s votes at the State level primaries, they can still use voting process power.  

Shock the system.  As a standard going forward, do not vote for any incumbents regardless of regular party affiliation.  If you live in a red State, register as a Republican.  If you live in a blue State, register as a Democrat and do not vote for any incumbents. Rinse and repeat.  Do not vote for any incumbents.


This means all war crimes, including the Palestinian genocide and war crimes committed against targeted individuals currently and for the USA to make right on historical genocides and the enslavements of humans. This means recognizing the breaches of contracts, broken treaties, and unpaid debts to those who have been wronged by the colonial land stealing and slavery ideology today.

Modern day government overreach reminds us of the native American’s lesson that banding together against an enemy is best practice even if our tribes don’t get along on every issue and tradition.

The US continues to fund Israel even under an arms embargo, meanwhile the ICC issued warrants for the arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu along with his intelligence and military officers who are aiding him in the genocide of the Palestinians.  The US made statements after the ICC warrants were issued, these statements followed threats of retaliation from the Senate last week. These announcements regarding the warrants, fearfully declare the Court has no jurisdiction and Lindsey Graham stated, “Hopefully, together, we will find a way to rest our displeasure with the ICC because if they do this to Israel, we’re next.”

Yes, Lady G, you and your ilk are next for aiding and abetting Israel in war crimes. Congress and Biden have brazenly been supplying all the weapons and paying for it all. All under a false declaration that the horrible occurrences of Oct 7th somehow give Israel a legal right to massacre 37K Palestinian citizens, mostly children and infants, while continuing to starve the rest of the survivors. All the while standardizing the bombing of hospitals, massacring medical and aid staff, targeting mosques and families in the dead of the night with a 20 second AI decision.

They further continue to steal more land with the quick sale of the Palestinians destroyed homes and giving the best gift to the chosen zealous Zionists, oceanfront Mediterranean property I mean, who cares, really? All the dead infants are terrorists anyway. We all hate terrorists, I mean, remember Oct 7th and all the lies using AI and special interest investigations to propagandize it all.  Never forget, Zionist feelings matter more and that’s it, end of conversation.

As the chosen ones rub their hands together and open their squeaky wallets to purchase dead baby properties, they cry victim and dehumanize the people they have stolen from. These blood libel sharks make up stories how they were promised this land 3000 years ago and it is no matter how many non-human babies are killed; they are going to take their Mediterranean oceanside promised land.

According to Quds News Network videos released yesterday, they state under the video description, “School children flee from Israeli occupation, soldiers shoot indiscriminately at children during their incursion into Lenin.” In the videos children are seen running from gunfire and 2 children have been confirmed dead massacred in cold blood in Israel’s onslaught of the city.

Mike Johnson, Hakeem Jefferies and the entire Congress and US Leadership hate warrants and especially warrants from the ICC with their names on them.  This really does seem like a bitch named Karma at work. It’s always puzzling to me when so-called religious people don’t understand the simple concept of reaping what you sow. It’s a default in all religions and beliefs, and this also includes dark energy manipulation like Satanism or Brujeria.  You may not get what you thought you would so watch what you sow. Cause and effect are not just religious concepts.

Reaping what one sows is universal law regardless of your religious preferences and it doesn’t matter if you believe in it or not. Even if you don’t see the immediate results, your soul knows what you have done to others and your energy, intensions, and causes, cannot lie.  Energy manipulation using prayer, manifestation or magic that are used negatively against others, one should expect repercussions 10-fold. You can smugly deny with shamelessness your part in harming others for your own selfish reasons and narc feelings by blaming the target of your dark energy for your own personality defects.  Keep telling yourself, that somehow, they deserved it for saying something you didn’t like or having a different opinion than yourself and your groupthinker cult member tribe.

Truth tellers and those telling their story are not spreading hate or a smear campaign, that’s for the dark triads and dark triad groups, difference is intent and truth. Bully smear campaigns are not called truth campaigns for reason, all of them are based on lies and how those lies, and propaganda can draw in flying monkey group thinkers to attack another person, because they must have deserved it.

The Israeli PR campaign has been cranked up to high following last weeks, Congressional scramble. They are desperate for their wag the dog war to continue without an interruption of the ethnic cleansing the war contractors and congressional reps are profiting from. They would never want to miss out on the cash cow money laundering scheme using AIPAC’s financial and campaign support.

In a proud display of propaganda, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg commemorated the debunked sexual assault scenes of Oct 7th with a film, “Screams before Silence.”  Once again attempting to cover or create a “reason” Israel is allowed to break international laws and commit war crimes.  In a plea to feminists and ERA women, they try to spin that these sexual assaults somehow justify the atrocities of Israel’s actions following Oct 7th.  Even though allegedly, a few of these accounts have been recognized in evidence released from the ICC trial. These horrific acts do not justify a genocidal military campaign, starvation, concentration camps and land grabs no matter what happened on Oct 7th and certainly not paid for by US taxpayers.  Pro-genociders are vastly underestimating the world’s desire to see Israel and the US leaders who fund these war crimes be held accountable for their atrocities.

Thank you to Madea Benjamin and Code Pink for sticking it to Blinken this week, greeting him with, “Butcher of Gaza” “Secretary of Genocide” “Bloody Blinken” and “War Criminal” as he left a Congressional hearing on Wed. We cannot allow these criminals to keep their congressional seats, appoint idiots with loyalties to other countries and continue to allow them to receive pay to play donations from war profiteers, central bankers, and corrupt billionaires.

Congressional Rep Brian Mast got in on the action-packed live action role playing of a spin master DJ, spinning those lies like a gay club mix, tweeted, “It was just revealed that the Chinese Communist Party is funding the antisemitic protests that have sprung up across college campuses. The CCP is allying with pro-Hamas sympathizers to undermine our country.” 

Do you hear the paid PR message behind what he is saying?

He’s parroting the Israel PR campaign where tales are told about college protestors and protestors of genocide being funded by a foreign state party with the sole purpose of destroying the USA.  If you protest genocide and war crimes, you’re funding a terrorist foreign state and are directly supporting Hamas. 

No Rep, “Pro-genociders are allying with AIPAC and other NGO’s to fund violent chaos agents at college protests to then cry fake antisemitism on behalf of a foreign terrorist state, Israel, to undermine our country” is the corrected message.

The world is done with the BS and Norway, Ireland and Spain formally recognize Palestine as a State. Germany has also issued a statement saying they intend to comply with the ICC warrants for arrests.  Israel has recalled their ambassadors over the moves.

Hot Topics for SCOTUS this week

A ruling was handed down this week in the landmark case Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP. This case’s ruling will have a significant impact on redistricting and will give the parties a hall pass to gerrymander it up. This has a massive impact on voters and party gerrymandering ease.  In typical politicult party fashion, the Republican party in South Carolina redrew their 1st district to give a significant advantage to a Republican candidate. A suit was filed in district court that challenged the new map arguing it violated the 14th Amendment’s, Equal Protection Clause and was an unconstitutional racial gerrymander. SC District court ruled it was in fact a racial gerrymander.

Thursday’s ruling by SCOTUS overturns this decision and sets the legal precedent on future challenges to gerrymandered maps and has a significant negative impact on our voting power. This gives the parties permission to gerrymander by race. The core issue is the correlation between party affiliation and race and how that should play into redistricting. This is a bigly win for the Republican party and a huge a huge loss for the people.

Fuck you Alito.

This June, we anticipate a ruling on the issue from the Supreme Court in the case of Johnson v. Grants Pass. Should the homeless get kicked off the street? This ruling comes after one of the biggest surges of homelessness since the great depression and the fact that there are currently “35,574 homeless veterans” according to Kyle Kulinski of Secular talk’s tweet to POTUS this week.

Congressional Reps fully understand what they are doing when passing unconstitutional laws.  They scrub videos of themselves talking about leaving it up to the “black robes” (the judicial branch) to check them and stop these corrupt laws, taking zero accountability for their denial of duty. Legislators don’t care if they violate rights, it’s what their donors want and that’s most important.  It’s also important to point out that, a vast majority of the “blackrobes” are appointed by legislators.

Politicult Propaganda Hot Topics – Learn it, know it, see it, reject it.

Hillary was in the news last week cranking out some pre-game tailgating for Israel’s PR campaign, she berated protestors for not understanding what they are protesting or the history of why Israel’s allowed and encouraged to commit genocide.

She went on to bash those using, “for educational purposes only” on their content saying it’s an indicator of “propaganda” when in fact it’s an indicator of fair use.  The favorite go to for removing content the propaganda machine hates is to cry copyright infringement. Many platforms take down content based on simple accusations without proof of any actual violations.  These dark triad groups also use any means to violate our freedom of speech, it’s not just the government that uses these middle school tactics to suppress.

There are many special interest groups, lobbyists, party people, cults and other group thinkers who employ these tactics.  One of the most successful of these types of hate campaigns has been the trans activists who target, blacklist and mass report anyone who speaks about biological science, female rights and female sports rights that are currently in place.  These activists are prominent in the Biden admin, they have shown us who they are by allowing the theft of designer clothes from female traveler’s suitcases by an Energy Dept official, to “Rachel” changing the medical language in the Federal government replacing words regarding biological sex with more accurate terms like, “bonus hole” and “pregnant person” and removing language like woman or female. 

Thus, blurring the lines of the two very different words, gender, and sex. Male trans activists have taken over womanhood and redefined it so even certain Supreme Court justices are afraid to define what a woman is for fear of facing trans activists and their misogynistic enabler justice warrior flying monkeys.  They don’t spell woman with a Y for a reason. Biological sex and gender are not the same definition and must not be used interchangeably, medically, or legally. JK Rolling is the prime example of these types of hate campaigns lobbed at anyone who disagrees with their removal of female rights over the feelings of bio males. This has nothing to do with taking a piss and what restroom one uses. Making it about that is about as sound as the, “everything Zionists don’t like is antisemitic.”  

I never thought I would agree with Ted Cruz however, he was seen in Congressional hearings this week questioning a prison executive in CA for her decision to allow biological males in females prisons. The prisoner in question was convicted of raping a 9-year-old and then decided he was a woman, after being housed in a male prison. It was a very simple process to be confirmed into womanhood with some hormones and a record for violence against women.  Perfect candidate to identify as a female and requests to be housed with females based on his feelings and on a new CA laws allowing men to violate females’ human rights. The executive hid behind her execution of the law.

This is not an equality issue this is a difference issue; men and women can be equal and different. We must not blur the medical and legal lines of biological sex because of a few intersexed, non-binary, trans and trans activists who demand validation for their feelings while these changes impacts are mostly harmful to sex based right and sexual preferences. Biological sex cannot be ignored, nor can it be changed. The medical and legal definitions must remain equal but different.

These laws only cover those manipulating the system and it never protects the rights of those simply existing as something they don’t have a choice in. Bio sex is not a choice and either is sexual preference. Even if paid off scientists fake it for the profits of the medical industrial complex and even if the virtue shamers demand usage of the latest PC verbiage.  Let’s ask females denied pregnancy medical care in outlawed abortion states, how much of a choice they had in birthin them babies?  Then ask how important it is to them that we affirm their choice in gender and that we never call them pregnant women. They are simply a regular ol’ pregnant person, looking to chest-feed after their forced birth.

Many thanks given to Reps MTG, AOC and Jasmine Crockett who engaged in personalities in committee this week giving us some show stopping dramatic theater.  It all started with MTG insulting Jasmine Crockett’s eyelashes. 

AOC felt compelled to join in defending Rep Crockett and demanding MTG’s words be wiped from the record and that MTG be forced to apologize for such an insulting insult of all insults. Shouting ensued, Jamie Raskin showed surprise for such personality engagements and in frustration, Crockett exasperatedly asked if calling, MTG out for her obvious “bleach blonde bad butch body” was appropriate if the eyelash comment was ok.

“Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body” went viral on social media all week and blue team scored some points for their committee theater antics and bad built butch body-slam.

“Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body” was immediately filed as a trademarked phrase by Rep Jasmine Crockett.  Thumbs down on that, you showed us exactly what your theatrics were all about. Funny yeah, helping US citizens, not so much.

House oversight Chair, James Comer and Rep Katie Porter introduced a bill requiring Presidents to make a series of disclosures about the foreign earnings of relatives. Giving credit to the kickbacks he got through his son Hunter’s connections to Burisma. This legislation was likely introduced because Biden was guilty of corruption, but Congress lacked biting power, due to current laws protecting the president. It also should be addressed why Kushner received 2 bil from the Saudi’s after his pop-in-law got voted the fuck out and let’s actually look into that laptop past the hookers and dick pics.

Fun Fact: Jeff Bezos’s grandfather was one of the founders of DARPA. Lawrence Preston Gise headed the Atomic Energy Agency in NM and was later assigned the deputy director position over the national labs and associated agencies, he oversaw Sandia Labs, Los Alamos Labs and Livermore Lab after working as a founding official on DARPA. 

Student Loan cancellation is in the news again this week.  Biden admin has been making good on their campaign promise of cancelling student loan debt for certain borrowers. They successfully managed to bi-pass congress by cancelling the debt and not paying it off, which would require the power of the purse.

Look at this move as the Biden Admin filing bankruptcy on behalf of student’s who got bamboozled.  Essentially, they are issuing a 1099-C cancellation of debt to banks. Who cares? Banks are first in line to bail outs and overnight loans from the Federal Reserve.  Second the motion, who really cares? Stop feeling sorry for the banks because you paid off your loans or didn’t take any out.

RFK Jr’s campaign is suing Meta for their censorship of a campaign video in violation of 1st amendment rights, in an email to supporters they explained, “A PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.\’s presidential campaign released a 30-minute biographical film about the life of RFK Jr., his environmental activism, and why he\’s running for President. “Who Is Bobby Kennedy?”, narrated by actor Woody Harrelson, has already garnered tens of millions of views across multiple platforms. However, we were quickly flooded with reports of supporters attempting to share the video on Facebook and Instagram, only to find those posts censored!”

Same-same as his requests for secret service protection has been censored. File 13, mofos!

Our neighbors and partners in propaganda, Canada, are canooking up some BS with Justin Treadu’s “Online harms” bill.  

The proposed law, gives judges the power to imprison adults for life if they advocate for genocide online, upping the ante from the previous maximum penalty of five years in prison. They increased the penalty for willful promotion of hatred online, increasing the maximum term in prison from two years to five years.  In pro-precrimers wet dream verbiage, the bill also allows a provincial judge to impose house arrest and a fine if there were reasonable grounds to believe a defendant \’will commit\’ an offense in the future. There is no wonder why this bill has been called, “Orwellian” and why these types of police state bills are trending all over the WEF wide world.

Real Estate agents make up the largest membership driven PAC and the Chamber of commerce is the largest lobby organization.  Organizations increased use of PACs for political power has made an unfavorable impact on voters. This power has contributed to increased rental and housing prices, increased slumlord behavior, and has contributed to the increase of the police state’s power and ease of unlawful surveillance practices.   

This is created a rise in corporate landlords and some of these landlords steal content with their own unlawful surveillance practices and work for the police state allowing installation of illegal surveillance equipment and entry into homes of renters without permission or warrants. Agents sell floor plans and other info to the police state and also help to lure certain tenants into certain locations for the purposes of unlawful surveillance.

This increase in power has largely contributed to the housing shortage and to legislators making no new investments in housing or attempting to stop the corporate takeover of residential housing in the US. Housing shortages are great business for real estate agents and brokers.

In boycott news Again, is the Let them eat Cereal, boycott.  Find useful information at and the boycott will be in duration for 90 days from April 1st to June 30th

Kellogg’s and other food manufacturers are making shrinkflation an “investment” by “rebranding” and changing sizes, shapes and other cosmetic changes meanwhile placing their thumb on the scale and the abacus.

Many solutions lie in collective actions that either fights fire with fire or uses the strength of the system against itself.  For example, in the electoral college, small states have lots of political power and very few people they represent. Their weakness is, there are not that many of them to outvote.

 “Jury Nullification,” is another important tool that we the people can use against the tyranny of these laws being passed that are clear violations of our rights.

In short, anyone penalized for these ridiculous special interest human and constitutional right violating laws should request a jury by your peers trial, not a trial decided by a judge.  Serve on juries when called.  If there is a person being charged with a crime or would receive civil penalties for these ridiculous laws, do not convict.  Vote to acquit.  All you need is one person to do this, and the jury is hung.

Court-watching – a check from we the people.  You can enter and watch most court rooms, just observing justice in action. This also gives us insight into which Judges will make the RWA must be removed list.  

Another protest by pen we can collectively act on is to “white lie” to data brokers. We don’t owe them the truth on what our birthday is or any other personal information that is not specifically a need to know for the platform, social media or technology asking for the information. There are lots of surveys and other data broker traps that lurk out there, providing discounts or other free items or simply requiring more information to use their software than is needed. Make up the information, then monitor the data broker sites. I tested this and it doesn’t take long for the incorrect information to end up on your intellius or other similar leech tech.

Continue with block party 2024 and block out of touch celebrities.

Note: Remove “The Weekend” from your block party 2024. He has donated 2.5 million this week to Palestinian Aid he is one of the first to show public support financially for the Palestinians. Following John Cusack who’s outspoken and fervent support of the Palestinians is seen daily on social media even with shadow bans to his account.

Cancer linked DNA found in COVID shots from Pfizer who purposely failed to advise, Health Canada, US FDA and the European Medicines Agency that the DNA was present in the shot.

More pigs and pork fat in the news    

A former Henderson NV police officer, C. Rios has spoken out on social media about racist based corruption coming from the police and government agencies in the city that neighbor’s sinful Las Vegas, NV.  He states, “In the city of Henderson, NV unless you are white or LDS, they don’t want you there and specifically don’t’ want you there if you’re black or brown. And exercising your constitutional right to freedom of speech to expose their police dept and their government. As a former police officer and sworn marshal for the City of Henderson, NV, I just got sick and tired of the mistreatment of minorities.”  The video goes on document allegations of the police chief’s corruption and collusion along with violating the NV public records act by withholding documents from his records requests.  He states officers were charged with criminal behavior and then those charges either disappeared or were covered up due to their status as a police officer.

Qualified immunity or disappearing charges for all, of course.

A Jury has convicted a former Cherokee County North Carolina DDS attorney on 12 felony counts of obstruction in child removal cases.  In 2021 the attorney used fake legal documents to remove children, fooling parents by calling it a custody agreement when in fact it was removal documents.

This has become a pattern with Federal and State child protective services.  They use false or misleading documents and evidence to remove children from their homes.  Most parents involved in these cases are low income or simply legally harassed from domestic violence efforts and are unable to fight charges and receive appropriate legal representation.

For example, in California they will charge a woman who’s a victim of domestic violence with a child abuse crime, accusing her of not protecting her children from the abuser.  Even when evidence shows the couple were estranged, he came to the house uninvited, broke in and harmed her in front of the children.  She’s now considered a child abuse criminal and they often move forward to removing the kids in this “criminal” type of case. This is Step 1 of “human trafficking” done by Child Protective services in collusion with law enforcement.

Hot topics for workers

Dissidents, truth tellers and TIs are left with few options to assemble or have their voices or truths heard and are forced to use certain platforms for social media, posting videos or discussing certain topics. Unfortunately, there are far too many tech bro scandals regarding the manipulation, illegal theft, and sale of our personal data and now data brokers have become a billion-dollar industry.  They have betrayed us in many ways by censoring us for their own greedy purposes and have sold us out to the highest or lowest bidder.  They have sold our data to corrupt organizations, law enforcement with or without warrants and to the political parties.

These platforms provide freedom of speech and reach to few and usually to those who have an agenda to push and a check to write. They must be a part of the anti-trust actions coming from the FTC and intelligence agencies must be removed from the boardrooms and payrolls. They also must be part of a people’s collective action holding them accountable for these violations of our rights as well.

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